Open divan opened 5 months ago
It's the simple file upload chunking code that works fine on native platforms
There are two different protocols, grpc
and grpc-web
, which are only related by name.
- Is it correct that grpc-dart client-side streaming is not working for apps built for web platform?
Yes, grpc-web
does not support client-side streaming at the moment.
- If so, any solutions/workarounds?
I am no expert, but I would probably try using multiple unary requests.
I am facing exactly the same problem. I was not sure if it was my code, as it works fine on native platforms, except on the web. Did you ever find a solution/workaround?
@OppositeDragon streaming server to client should sorta work, with some caveats (e.g. it buffers the whole stream in memory - so I would not recommend using it for any sort of long running streams - we should really migrate our implementation to fetch
to make it more robust). Streaming from client to server does not work.
Did you ever find a solution/workaround?
@OppositeDragon I implemented it as a a fallback with unary connection. For my use case it's okay, as I expect most users to use native apps and use web as a fallback.
import 'package:<my package>/pb/upload.pb.dart' as grpcu;
const chunkSize = 4096;
Future<String> uploadFile(Uint8List data, String fileName) {
if (kIsWeb) {
return uploadFileFuckingWebFallback(data, fileName);
final metadata =
grpcu.UploadRequest_Metadata(size: data.length, fileName: fileName);
var stream = uploadChunks(data, metadata: metadata);
return client.uploadFile(stream).then((r) => r.url);
Future<String> uploadFileFuckingWebFallback(
Uint8List bytes, String fileName) {
final request = grpcu.UploadSingleRequest(
data: bytes,
size: bytes.length,
fileName: fileName,
return client
.then((r) => r.url);
Stream<grpcu.UploadRequest> uploadChunks(List<int> bytes,
{required grpcu.UploadRequest_Metadata metadata}) async* {
yield grpcu.UploadRequest(metadata: metadata);
if (bytes.isEmpty) {
for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += chunkSize) {
int potentialEnd = i + chunkSize;
int end;
if (potentialEnd < bytes.length) {
end = potentialEnd;
} else {
end = bytes.length;
final chunk = bytes.sublist(i, end);
yield grpcu.UploadRequest(chunk: chunk);
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "server/pb";
package main;
service MyService {
rpc UploadFile(stream UploadRequest) returns (UploadResponse) {}
rpc UploadFileFuckingWebFallback(UploadSingleRequest) returns (UploadResponse) {}
message UploadRequest{
message Metadata {
int32 size = 1;
string file_name = 2;
optional string ext = 3;
optional int32 width = 4;
optional int32 height = 5;
oneof data {
bytes chunk = 1;
Metadata metadata = 2;
// used for fucking web fallback unary request
message UploadSingleRequest{
bytes data = 1;
int32 size = 2;
string file_name = 3;
optional string ext = 4;
optional int32 width = 5;
optional int32 height = 6;
message UploadResponse{
string url = 1;
and then on the server side, obviously, two different endpoints:
// UploadFile handles streamed file upload from normal frontend apps.
func (s *MyService) UploadFile(stream pb.MyService_UploadFileServer) error {
recv := func() (*pb.UploadRequest, error) {
return stream.Recv()
url, err := handleUploadStream(s.DB, recv, stream.Context())
if err != nil {
return er("upload file", err)
return stream.SendAndClose(&pb.UploadResponse{
Url: url,
// UploadFileFuckingWebFallback uploads file as a single request (as a fallback for frontends that use typesetting
// engine from 80s and call it modern UI framework or, as it widely known, a fucking web)
func (s *MyService) UploadFileFuckingWebFallback(ctx context.Context, req *pb.UploadSingleRequest) (*pb.UploadResponse, error) {
url, err := s.DB.SaveFile(ctx, req.Data, req.FileName, req.Size, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("saving file: %w", err)
return &pb.UploadResponse{
Url: url,
}, nil
Hi, I'm having an issue with streaming only when compiled to the web platform. It's the simple file upload chunking code that works fine on native platforms:
proto file:
But on web it returns this for every chunk:
Seems like after the initial metadata, the sending connection is closed/cancelled, and subsequent chunks sends are resulting in this error. I can't, however, see any errors neither on server nor on client (using logging with interceptors).
Meanwhile, as I understood, grpc-dart is using grpc-web under the hood, and on the
README page, there is a paragraph:Server-side Streaming RPCs (example) (NOTE: Only when grpcwebtext mode is used.) Client-side and Bi-directional streaming is not currently supported (see streaming roadmap).
It leads to this document:, which is basically saying, "forget about streaming support from the client".
So, I have two questions: