grpc / grpc-web

gRPC for Web Clients
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UnaryInterceptor is not being called #1342

Closed usertest123test closed 12 months ago

usertest123test commented 1 year ago

In My reactjs web app I am trying to use interceptors on grpc but the interceptor is not being called.

I tried some of the solutions provided around but could get it resolved. please someone assist me on this.

project details: Package: "react": "^18.2.0", "grpc-web": "^1.3.1",

Below is my code: Interceptor:

export const SimpleUnaryInterceptor = function () {};
SimpleUnaryInterceptor.prototype.intercept = function (request: any, invoker: any) {
  console.log("[Intercepting request]");
  return invoker(request).then((response: any) => {
    console.log("[Intercepting response]");
    return response;

Biding interceptor:

export default class Api {
  myServicePromiseClient: MyServicePromiseClient;
  metadata: Metadata;

  constructor(public serviceURL: string) {
    this.myServicePromiseClient = new MyServicePromiseClient(serviceURL, null, { unaryInterceptors: [SimpleUnaryInterceptor] });

  public user = new (class {
    constructor(public superThis: Api) {}
    public getMyUser = async (userId: string): Promise<UserObj> =>
      getMyUser( userId, this.superThis.myServicePromiseClient, this.superThis.metadata);


export class MyServicePromiseClient {
  constructor (hostname: string,
               credentials?: null | { [index: string]: string; },
               options?: null | { [index: string]: any; });

and getMyUser grpc method is:

    request: user_pb.GetMyUserRequest,
    metadata?: grpcWeb.Metadata
  ): Promise<user_pb.MyUserResponse>;

Calling grpc-api:

const response = await new Api(MyServerUrl).user.getMyUser(123)

usertest123test commented 1 year ago

Any help on this ?

sampajano commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thanks for the report :)

Without debugging your code, i'm thinking you probably need to instantiate your interceptor, like:

{ unaryInterceptors: [new SimpleUnaryInterceptor()] })

instead of:

{ unaryInterceptors: [SimpleUnaryInterceptor] })

which you currently have.

Please let me know if this works for you. thanks!

usertest123test commented 1 year ago

@sampajano Thank you for the reply. Since here interceptor is a function so cannot use new keyword for it but I had tried this and didn't work had also tried something like this, that also didn't help { unaryInterceptors: [SimpleUnaryInterceptor()] })

Even I am wondering something wrong in the initialization but not able to figure it out.

sampajano commented 1 year ago

aha ok!

Can you try writing your interceptor following this format?

It might help rule out a few variables.


usertest123test commented 1 year ago

@sampajano I really appreciate your help. I tried this with my code but that didn't work and when I tried your exact code it worked. So it means when I try creating a EchoServicePromiseClient on fly with dynamic hostname its not working.

I mean: const echoService = new EchoServicePromiseClient('http://localhost:8080', null, opts); => this is working

but I need to create EchoServicePromiseClient with dynamicURL url passed in ` new EchoServicePromiseClient(dynamicURL, null, opts);`` => this is not working

sampajano commented 1 year ago

oh wow very interesting! you're very welcome! glad to hear at least the sample code worked! 😃

So it means when I try creating a EchoServicePromiseClient on fly with dynamic hostname its not working.

I wonder if it has something to do with how your javascript "closure" works? In that maybe you're not properly capturing the string in your lambda functions?

Could you try putting a console.log right before this line:

new EchoServicePromiseClient(dynamicURL, null, opts);

And see if it's indeed the right URL?

usertest123test commented 1 year ago

I found out that, further down in our code we have a method being called to enable "gRPC-Web Developer Tool" which is causing this issue of ignoring interceptors.

This is an exact issue of But I dont see any solution to this yet 😟

sampajano commented 12 months ago

Oh wow nice investigation!!

I'm sorry that it's an issue for you. i hope that gets resolved soon! (Or you can temporarily disable the plugin when needed.. :))

(UPDATE: This PR seems to be fixing it 😃)

I'll close this issue now as it's not related to our specific implementation. Please keep us updated if there's anything new from your/their side.

Thanks! :)

usertest123test commented 11 months ago

Thank you @sampajano for your valuable suggestions. :-) Will update once I receive any update on this.

sampajano commented 11 months ago

Thank you @sampajano for your valuable suggestions. :-) Will update once I receive any update on this.

You're very welcome! 😊

And thank you that would be much appreciated! 😃