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.NET SDK integration post, NuGet v1.17 #775

Closed kkm000 closed 5 years ago

kkm000 commented 5 years ago

This is a post announcing integrated build of proto files in a C# .NET projects, upcoming in v1.17.

I hope I matched both the general philosophy and tone of the blog, but I'd be happy to make any corrections.

/cc @jtattermusch

kkm000 commented 5 years ago

In summary, I added a 2nd paragraph from the top, above the more marker, to explain the intent better, another paragraph on dependency checking, and one sentence st the very end--it sounded to me as if it was lacking a nice closing.

Thanks for the comments everyone! Ready for the round 2!

@jtattermusch, this should not be published before the example branch is merged, I guess?

jtattermusch commented 5 years ago

@kkm000 yes this will only be published once 1.17.0 packages are out, so that the feature can be easily tried by everyone.

kkm000 commented 5 years ago

Super, thank you!

carl-mastrangelo commented 5 years ago

This post will tentatively go out tomorrow. @kkm000, would you be able to rename the post to 12-18-18 so that it appears as the newest post on the list?

kkm000 commented 5 years ago

@carl-mastrangelo Done.

jtattermusch commented 5 years ago

Let's merge?

jtattermusch commented 5 years ago

Things are looking good, so I'll go ahead and merge.

kkm000 commented 5 years ago

Looks weird, no heading or the pre-cut paragraphs. Is there some indexing that has to happen, or is something wrong with formatting?

kkm000 commented 5 years ago

Just realized, this: shows the keywords as a block, but this as table. The parser does not like something. Quotes around 'kkm'? No other ideas, really!

kkm000 commented 5 years ago

It's the : in title, see

jtattermusch commented 5 years ago

Good catch, do you wanna create a PR to replace : with -?

kkm000 commented 5 years ago

Here is a couple of solutions, trying both. Quotes seem less ugly that the hex code. Just a sec.

kkm000 commented 5 years ago

kkm000 commented 5 years ago

@jtattermusch, #798. Looks like a table, similar to other .ms files.