grssam / UIEnhancer

Source code for UI Enhancer addon
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No longer shows status in location bar for ff25b1 #101

Closed lvlistress closed 10 years ago

lvlistress commented 10 years ago

Been using this add-on since FF18 and love it. The part I loved most, however, has stopped functioning in recent ff updates. Status and progress has returned to the pop-up, bottom left above the tab bar (I keep my tabs on the bottom via TabMix Plus) as it would be without your add-on, and more often than not, unreadable. I use dozens of add-ons and theme enhancements(Stylish Custom, Personnas, etc.) as well as Greasemonkey scripts which may affect the location bar, however I used them all over several ff updates (I'm on the "beta update channel" for ff, so I get several updates per week) and your add-on worked perfectly until recently - perhaps the status stopped moving to the location bar with updates ff24b8-9-10, but I didn't notice it until ff25b1 update today. By the way, I also maintain an updated version of Aurora (currently @ v25b11) with the identical set of add-ons and other enhancements, including yours, and it still works there. Is it possible that something in the ff beta update has disabled/corrupted just this portion of your add-on? The breadcrumbs as well as everything else works as before, but the status and progress is suddenly unaffected from default, regardless of the settings in your add-on. I'll try uninstalling/reinstalling your add-on and post a follow-up.


lvlistress commented 10 years ago

Follow-up: Reinstalled but no improvement. I suspect something in chrome is preventing the status and progress from being moved to the location bar. Any help pointing me to a place to look to solve this?


grssam commented 10 years ago

Oh, dammit, I don't use that feature myself, so was unaware since last two nightlies :( I am putting this at the top of my list of to do's when I get back to my home for a vacation.

lvlistress commented 10 years ago

Follow-up Part 2: Aurora v 26+ displays the identical problem with your add-on as Firefox v 25+; status and progress are not moved to location bar. Found a "userstyle" {} that is supposed to only do this one thing - move the status text to wherever you want, including the location bar - but it doesn't work in Aurora26 nor Firefox25 either. I think this confirms that these two builds have changed the way status and progress text is coded in chrome, or at least its location (the font and color of the status text is still changing per my other Stylish add-ons).

Hope you are having a good vacation. I'll keep tinkering until you return to fix this.


grssam commented 10 years ago

I am aware of the issue and have fixed this locally too. Just there is too much refactoring in progress to commit anything right now.

lvlistress commented 10 years ago seems to have solved this problem so I've disabled that feature in your add-on.
