grssam / UIEnhancer

Source code for UI Enhancer addon
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REQUEST: Temporary Disable Options #123

Open ToXic-Knight opened 9 years ago

ToXic-Knight commented 9 years ago


I've recently gotten into Location Bar Enhancer and I am really enjoying it, however there are some ease of use features I would be interested in to enhance my usage.

Most of all I would like hotkeys for various things. For example: "Toggle Location Bar Enhancer on this tab" which would disable the enhancer temporarily for that tab only." "Disable LBE on this page" which would remember the URL [excluding random tags such as "&t=" etc.] "Disable LBE on this website" which you could customise whether it be the website or domain or sub website. "Toggle LBE everywhere" which would disable it site-wide until you restart the browser or toggle it back.