gruijter / com.gruijter.insights2csv

Homey app to export insights
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problems with subdirs in NAS settings. #5

Closed henkbart closed 5 years ago

henkbart commented 5 years ago

Hallo Robin,

I first tried only NAS (SMB) There i found that i only have access to te root dir of my share. Not to the subdirs. The user has admin rights so that is not the problem.

The full path is //ip address/Drivename/subdir name

When using that i got an error that he can not find the share.

I then switched to FTP. That is allowing subdirs. But when executing a flow, nothing is going to the dir.......

Then i used both (NAS and FTP) Then the FTP is working en storing it in the subdir i wanted. The NAS is stil only storing it in the root...


gruijter commented 5 years ago

2019-08-25 (1)

I just uploaded v2.4.2 to the appstore. It adds the possibility to specify a subfolder on your network share for SMB (NAS)