gruijter / com.gruijter.powerhour

Homey app to summarize power meters per hour, day and month
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sporadic erroneous power/production values with SMA. #234

Open TKGHill opened 2 months ago

TKGHill commented 2 months ago

Hello, I have been using PBTH since beginning of the year with 2 summarizers one for electricity consumption (Tibber Pulse) and one for the electricity production of my solar panels (SMA energy).

The consumption summarizer works perfectly, never saw an issue, but while the solar production summarizer mostly works well it has these occasional huge spikes in production that completely drowns the proper data.

For example on 7/7 i see an output of 688 kW from my solar panels, which have a 9.3 kW nominal rating, along with a production of 6,6 MWh for that day!! The system produce about 8 MWh in a year in reality. In between it works perfectly, just these sudden totally out of reality spikes of power/production that totally destroys the value of the summaries.

Each of the 2 summarizers I trigger price updates using the same flow that runs when there is by a change in spot price.

I have been trying to figure out what is going on, but I cannot understand if/what I am doing something wrong on my side or if it is a bug and if so where that one can be? Looking at the SMA app everything looks normal/ok/as expected.

Tried uploading insights comparing how it looks SMA vs the SMA summarizer, not sure they are visible?

SMA_vs_Summarizer_kWh_July SMA_vs_Summarizer_W_2024 SMA_vs_Summarizer_W_July

So my question is do have any idea what is going on and how it can be fixed? What other info can I provide to facilitate figuring out what is going on?