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Implement ordered dictionary #111

Closed funny-falcon closed 5 years ago

funny-falcon commented 5 years ago

Implements order-preserving dictionary a-la python 3.7.

While DictGetItem and DictGetItemBig shows improvement, I think there is no real difference, because it is benchcmp -best of 3 runs, and results varies much from run to run. Iteration is much faster because dictTable is not allocated for empty dict, and StopIteration exception is created with dict. Though without this optimization it is still a bit faster than master, but not that much.

benchmark                                old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
BenchmarkEscapeRune/low_values-4         26.4          26.2          -0.76%
BenchmarkEscapeRune/mid_values-4         33.5          33.5          +0.00%
BenchmarkEscapeRune/high_values-4        47.6          46.1          -3.15%
BenchmarkGetAttr-4                       129           127           -1.55%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/3-elements-4        926           657           -29.05%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/5-elements-4        1302          1256          -3.53%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/8-elements-4        2357          1630          -30.84%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/12-elements-4       3149          2880          -8.54%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/16-elements-4       3930          3312          -15.73%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/24-elements-4       7040          5660          -19.60%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/32-elements-4       8418          6420          -23.73%
BenchmarkDictGetItem-4                   181           177           -2.21%
BenchmarkDictGetItemBig-4                3164          3139          -0.79%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/0-elements-4      921           618           -32.90%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/1-elements-4      1020          739           -27.55%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/2-elements-4      1151          859           -25.37%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/3-elements-4      1296          1020          -21.30%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/4-elements-4      1427          1138          -20.25%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/5-elements-4      1592          1265          -20.54%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/6-elements-4      1874          1386          -26.04%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/7-elements-4      1986          1486          -25.18%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/8-elements-4      2118          1605          -24.22%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/0-elements-4       914           611           -33.15%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/1-elements-4       1010          701           -30.59%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/2-elements-4       1079          794           -26.41%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/3-elements-4       1205          892           -25.98%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/4-elements-4       1305          984           -24.60%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/5-elements-4       1375          1080          -21.45%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/6-elements-4       1700          1173          -31.00%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/7-elements-4       1787          1284          -28.15%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/8-elements-4       1867          1372          -26.51%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/9-elements-4       1955          1494          -23.58%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/0-elements-4     923           617           -33.15%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/1-elements-4     929           646           -30.46%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/2-elements-4     950           659           -30.63%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/3-elements-4     981           693           -29.36%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/4-elements-4     1003          716           -28.61%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/5-elements-4     1021          744           -27.13%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/6-elements-4     1271          776           -38.95%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/7-elements-4     1288          804           -37.58%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/8-elements-4     1307          825           -36.88%
BenchmarkIntNew/interned-4               0.96          0.96          +0.00%
BenchmarkIntNew/not_interned-4           70.2          68.5          -2.42%
BenchmarkListContains/false-3-4          1261          1032          -18.16%
BenchmarkListContains/false-10-4         2263          2031          -10.25%
BenchmarkListContains/true-3.1-4         293           291           -0.68%
BenchmarkListContains/true-3.3-4         556           552           -0.72%
BenchmarkListContains/true-10.10-4       1457          1449          -0.55%
BenchmarkNewStr-4                        114           115           +0.88%
BenchmarkTupleContains/false-3-4         2037          1789          -12.17%
BenchmarkTupleContains/false-10-4        4346          4127          -5.04%
BenchmarkTupleContains/true-3.1-4        611           608           -0.49%
BenchmarkTupleContains/true-3.3-4        1298          1301          +0.23%
BenchmarkTupleContains/true-10.10-4      3643          3660          +0.47%

benchmark                                old allocs     new allocs     delta
BenchmarkEscapeRune/low_values-4         1              1              +0.00%
BenchmarkEscapeRune/mid_values-4         1              1              +0.00%
BenchmarkEscapeRune/high_values-4        1              1              +0.00%
BenchmarkGetAttr-4                       0              0              +0.00%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/3-elements-4        6              3              -50.00%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/5-elements-4        8              5              -37.50%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/8-elements-4        13             5              -61.54%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/12-elements-4       17             8              -52.94%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/16-elements-4       21             8              -61.90%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/24-elements-4       31             11             -64.52%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/32-elements-4       39             11             -71.79%
BenchmarkDictGetItem-4                   1              1              +0.00%
BenchmarkDictGetItemBig-4                1              1              +0.00%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/0-elements-4      6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/1-elements-4      7              5              -28.57%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/2-elements-4      8              6              -25.00%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/3-elements-4      9              7              -22.22%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/4-elements-4      10             8              -20.00%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/5-elements-4      11             9              -18.18%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/6-elements-4      12             10             -16.67%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/7-elements-4      13             11             -15.38%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/8-elements-4      14             12             -14.29%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/0-elements-4       6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/1-elements-4       6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/2-elements-4       6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/3-elements-4       6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/4-elements-4       6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/5-elements-4       6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/6-elements-4       6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/7-elements-4       6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/8-elements-4       6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/9-elements-4       6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/0-elements-4     6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/1-elements-4     6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/2-elements-4     6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/3-elements-4     6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/4-elements-4     6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/5-elements-4     6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/6-elements-4     6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/7-elements-4     6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/8-elements-4     6              4              -33.33%
BenchmarkIntNew/interned-4               0              0              +0.00%
BenchmarkIntNew/not_interned-4           1              1              +0.00%
BenchmarkListContains/false-3-4          7              5              -28.57%
BenchmarkListContains/false-10-4         7              5              -28.57%
BenchmarkListContains/true-3.1-4         2              2              +0.00%
BenchmarkListContains/true-3.3-4         2              2              +0.00%
BenchmarkListContains/true-10.10-4       2              2              +0.00%
BenchmarkNewStr-4                        1              1              +0.00%
BenchmarkTupleContains/false-3-4         8              6              -25.00%
BenchmarkTupleContains/false-10-4        8              6              -25.00%
BenchmarkTupleContains/true-3.1-4        3              3              +0.00%
BenchmarkTupleContains/true-3.3-4        3              3              +0.00%
BenchmarkTupleContains/true-10.10-4      3              3              +0.00%

benchmark                                old bytes     new bytes     delta
BenchmarkEscapeRune/low_values-4         4             4             +0.00%
BenchmarkEscapeRune/mid_values-4         8             8             +0.00%
BenchmarkEscapeRune/high_values-4        16            16            +0.00%
BenchmarkGetAttr-4                       0             0             +0.00%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/3-elements-4        272           192           -29.41%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/5-elements-4        336           416           +23.81%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/8-elements-4        736           416           -43.48%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/12-elements-4       864           960           +11.11%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/16-elements-4       992           960           -3.23%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/24-elements-4       2320          2016          -13.10%
BenchmarkDictSetItem/32-elements-4       2576          2016          -21.74%
BenchmarkDictGetItem-4                   32            32            +0.00%
BenchmarkDictGetItemBig-4                32            32            +0.00%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/0-elements-4      320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/1-elements-4      384           272           -29.17%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/2-elements-4      448           336           -25.00%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/3-elements-4      512           400           -21.88%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/4-elements-4      576           464           -19.44%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/5-elements-4      640           528           -17.50%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/6-elements-4      704           592           -15.91%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/7-elements-4      768           656           -14.58%
BenchmarkDictIterItems/8-elements-4      832           720           -13.46%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/0-elements-4       320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/1-elements-4       320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/2-elements-4       320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/3-elements-4       320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/4-elements-4       320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/5-elements-4       320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/6-elements-4       320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/7-elements-4       320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/8-elements-4       320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterKeys/9-elements-4       320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/0-elements-4     320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/1-elements-4     320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/2-elements-4     320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/3-elements-4     320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/4-elements-4     320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/5-elements-4     320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/6-elements-4     320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/7-elements-4     320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkDictIterValues/8-elements-4     320           208           -35.00%
BenchmarkIntNew/interned-4               0             0             +0.00%
BenchmarkIntNew/not_interned-4           32            32            +0.00%
BenchmarkListContains/false-3-4          336           224           -33.33%
BenchmarkListContains/false-10-4         336           224           -33.33%
BenchmarkListContains/true-3.1-4         80            80            +0.00%
BenchmarkListContains/true-3.3-4         80            80            +0.00%
BenchmarkListContains/true-10.10-4       80            80            +0.00%
BenchmarkNewStr-4                        48            48            +0.00%
BenchmarkTupleContains/false-3-4         400           288           -28.00%
BenchmarkTupleContains/false-10-4        400           288           -28.00%
BenchmarkTupleContains/true-3.1-4        144           144           +0.00%
BenchmarkTupleContains/true-3.3-4        144           144           +0.00%
BenchmarkTupleContains/true-10.10-4      144           144           +0.00%
funny-falcon commented 5 years ago

Alternative to #103

funny-falcon commented 5 years ago

I didn't fix comments yet, that is why it is marked as [WIP].

funny-falcon commented 5 years ago

Looks like it is ready.

alanjds commented 5 years ago

The master branch is now passing.

@funny-falcon: Can you please update yours so we can have a green mark on this branch too?

funny-falcon commented 5 years ago

Not indefinitely, it is bound by O(n), where n is number of (unique) keys. And constant is usually 2, but could be a bit larger (4). I don't think it is a real problem: dealing with returned values is usually more expensive than skipping deleted entries. CPython doesn't "fix problem", as far as I can read and understand

Ruby's hash has also tracker for first entry, because Ruby's hash has shift method, that returns and removes first element (while Python's dict.popitem() returns last element). This way Ruby's dictionary could be used as LRU structure already. shift could be easily emulated for Python's dict, so if desired, then first element also could be tracked. But it doesn't speedup all iteration noticeably, it just speeds up fetching first element in some patterns, like LRU.

funny-falcon commented 5 years ago

tests passed.

funny-falcon commented 5 years ago

Note that iteration over unordered dictionary still suffer from skipping empty and removed elements. Therefore there is no much difference. Certainly, unordered dictionary need less frequent rebuilds than ordered in this pattern (delete-insert-delete-insert), but occasional rebuild still needed if key set is not stable (due to thumbstones).

funny-falcon commented 5 years ago

There could be euristic on delete: if fill>capa/8*5 and used<capa/8 { growTable } . I think, such euristic will fix most patological cases.

funny-falcon commented 5 years ago

Is iteration is important? I have patch that improves start of iteration at the expense of 2-4% slower putItem.

I'd prefer for faster putItem, that is why I didn't push it.

funny-falcon commented 5 years ago

If there is no complains, lets merge it on monday, ok?