gruntjs / grunt-contrib-compass

Compile Compass to CSS.
MIT License
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Watching several directories with the `watch` option #229

Closed TxHawks closed 9 years ago

TxHawks commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to watch several directories using the watch configuration option?

My project's has sass files that I wan to watch for changes in the following structure:

|__ bower_components
|  |_[direcotories with sass files]
|__ sass
|  |_[direcotories with sass files]

And sass partials are @imported from sub directories of bower_component. The sassDir option is pointing to the sass directory, and I am currently polling both directories for changes using grunt-contrib-watch to run the compass task whenever needed. For performance reasons, I'd like to use the watch option in conjunction with grunt-concurrent, but couldn't figure out a way to watch several folders. Is that possible?

sindresorhus commented 9 years ago

This task is just a wrapper for Compass. Any question you have with this plugin is a general question about Compass and better asked on the Compass issue tracker or StackOverflow.