gruntjs / grunt-contrib-compass

Compile Compass to CSS.
MIT License
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Dynamic source directories #252

Open 3kynox opened 8 years ago

3kynox commented 8 years ago

Hello Folks,

A generic Yeoman angular project compiles compass files in app/styles directory.

Because we need to work on a different app folders structure, I need to compile this files on multiple locations.

Some would point out this plugin but that's not my needs as I would like compass compilation occurs on dymamic structure.

For examples, all my files (controllers, images, scripts, scss, ...) are now placed on :

app -- modules --- xyz_module <--- dynamic folder ---- assets ----- styles <-- scss files to compile by compass task

In every locations in grunt config file, we are able to use the /\ notation to specify every subfolders, that's what is writed on top of grunt file :

// # Globbing // for performance reasons we're only matching one level down: // 'test/spec/{,/}.js' // use this if you want to recursively match all subfolders: // 'test/spec/*/.js'

But in compass task, if we specify this notation, it takes the /\ as a real folder and don't look in subdirs.

My questions are :

Thanks anyway.