Closed RajaRakoto closed 2 years ago
Hi, can you help me to solve this error 'imagemin is not defined', I am using 'grunt-contrib-imagemin' v4.0.0, I am trying to minify my images (svg, png) but when I type the grunt command, the console returns me this:
>> ReferenceError: imagemin is not defined
Here are my configuration about imagemin:
grunt.initConfig({ imagemin: { static: { options: { optimizationLevel: 1, // between 0 ~ 7 use: [ imagemin.optipng(), imagemin.gifsicle(), imagemin.jpegtran(), imagemin.svgo(), ], }, files: [ { './src/dist/images/test-min.png': './src/assets/images/test.png', }, ], }, dynamic: { files: [ { expand: true, cwd: './src/assets/images/', src: ['**/*.{png,jpg,gif}'], dest: './src/dist/images/', }, ], }, }, )} grunt.registerTask('default', ['imagemin']);
P.S: I want to clarify that I use 'load-grunt-tasks' to load my grunt plugins
Hi, can you help me to solve this error 'imagemin is not defined', I am using 'grunt-contrib-imagemin' v4.0.0, I am trying to minify my images (svg, png) but when I type the grunt command, the console returns me this:
>> ReferenceError: imagemin is not defined
Here are my configuration about imagemin:
P.S: I want to clarify that I use 'load-grunt-tasks' to load my grunt plugins