gruntjs / grunt-contrib-sass

Compile Sass to CSS.
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no sourcemap comment at the end of the compiled css file #196

Open vlrprbttst opened 9 years ago

vlrprbttst commented 9 years ago

as stated in the title, i get no sourcemap comment at the end of the compiled css file. i'm on the latest sass and I do get my file. I tried following tutorials like this one: to edit/debug sass in the browser but it's possibly not working because i lack that comment in the compiled css file. could you help?

i use compass with sass. this is the sass task

       sass : {
            dist : {
                options : {
                    style : 'compressed', //no need for config.rb
                    compass : 'true'
                files : {
                    'css/main.css' : 'sass/main.scss'
        }, //end of sass


Sensiblemnd commented 9 years ago

Same here. It use to work.

It is working on v0.8.1

paulca55 commented 9 years ago

I'm also having the same problem. Any solution? Thanks.

taylordolan commented 9 years ago

I'm having the same issue.

paulca55 commented 9 years ago

I found it was the autoprefixer that seemed to strip the sourcemap comment out. So I just manually create the comment in my .scss file.

taylordolan commented 9 years ago

Thanks @paulca55! Autoprefixer was the issue for me as well. I'll just manually create the comment for now.

robll commented 9 years ago

Just found out how to fix it. in your autoprefixer add this option autoprefixer: { options: { map: true } ..................... }

vlrprbttst commented 9 years ago

@robll thanks! im gonna try it as soon as i can

paulca55 commented 9 years ago

Thanks @robll this works for me.

kush1960 commented 8 years ago

Thanks @robll, you nailed it.