gruntjs / grunt-contrib-watch

Run tasks whenever watched files change.
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run compass on the main.css when partials change #449

Open michaelahercogova opened 9 years ago

michaelahercogova commented 9 years ago


I'd like to run compass on the main.css (src/sass), which contains only imports of my partials located in folders within the same directory (src/sass/*_/__.scss), when one of the partials changes but I seem to be missing something...

grunt.initConfig({ compass: {
dist: {
options: {
sassDir: 'src/sass', cssDir: 'src/stylesheets', outputStyle: 'expanded' } } }, watch: { css: { files: ['src/sass/*/.scss'], tasks: ['compass'], options: { livereload:true }, }, } });

it always runs compass only when I save main.css but does nothing when i save any of my partials, could you help please?! :)

Thanks a lot!

joejoinerr commented 9 years ago

Your options for watch should look like this:

watch: {
  css: {
    files: ['src/sass/**/*.scss'],
    tasks: ['compass'],
    options: {
      livereload: true

Note the use of the * symbol on the files line. The double asterisk looks for anything in the root folder and any subfolder, then the single asterisk looks for any file with a .scss extension. Hope this helps.

Also, the issue tracker for this project isn't really the right place for specific questions. You should use Stack Overflow for those in the future.

michaelahercogova commented 9 years ago


thanks for getting back to me...unfortunately it is still not working, it detects changes only on my main.scss located in src/sass/main.scss but when I change any of the partials within src/sass/**/_partial.scss it's not doing anything.


joejoinerr commented 9 years ago

Sorry but I can't really suggest anything else without seeing a file tree and your Gruntfile.js in its current state.

michaelahercogova commented 9 years ago

Here you go...I took a snapshot of my gruntfile as i noticed it changes is when i copy paste here as i actually had it correctly in there originally just got changed with the copy paste in here...although there is still something i'm missing obviously...

the main.scss is actually screen.scss in this case

gruntfile tree

Thanks so much for your help! :)

joejoinerr commented 9 years ago

Well I'm stumped. I can't see anything you're doing wrong. The only other option is to try using the grunt-contrib-sass compiler with the Compass flag and see if that fixes your issue. Although I'm familiar with Compass I no longer use it and instead compile with the Libsass grunt-sass task.

michaelahercogova commented 9 years ago

mmm, okay...oh, well i give it a try, thanks a lot for your help though! :)