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Basic string interpolation fails in range block. #24

Closed josh-padnick closed 7 years ago

josh-padnick commented 7 years ago



- name: Route53PublicHostedZones
   description: Enter the domain names (e.g. for which we should create a Route53 Public Hosted Zone
   type: list

- name: HostedZoneComment
    description: Enter the comment field for the Hosted Zone
    type: string
    default: Managed by Terraform

{{- range $index, $domainName := .Route53PublicHostedZones }}

resource "aws_route53_zone" "{{ $domainName | snakeCase }}" {
  name = "{{ $domainName }}"
  comment = "{{ .HostedZoneComment }}"
{{- end }}

I would expect this to work fine, but in fact, it fails with:

[boilerplate] 2016/12/22 14:36:42 Processing template ../../../patterns/infrastructure-live/global/route53/ and writing to /repos/gruntwork-clients/bolste/infrastructure-live/global/route53/
template: ../../../patterns/infrastructure-live/global/route53/ executing "../../../patterns/infrastructure-live/global/route53/" at <.HostedZoneComment>: can't evaluate field HostedZoneComment in type string

Any thoughts on what's going on here?

brikis98 commented 7 years ago

I'm not an expert on Go template syntax, but I believe the dot syntax ({{ .foo }}) means "look up foo in the current context". When you're in a range loop, that context is the items in the loop, of which HostedZoneComment is not one. To get out of that context, you probably need to do something like {{ $.HostedZoneComment }}.

josh-padnick commented 7 years ago

That did it! Thx for the help. Guess I should have tried more Googling on that one.