gruntwork-io / terragrunt

Terragrunt is a flexible orchestration tool that allows Infrastructure as Code written in OpenTofu/Terraform to scale.
MIT License
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Terragrunt version 0.28.7 does not work with Terraform 0.14.7 (Initialization required) #1577

Closed chris1248 closed 3 years ago

chris1248 commented 3 years ago

I am trying to run terragrunt plan, but when I do I get a very unhelpful error:

Error: Initialization required. Please see the error message above.

The full command:

terragrunt plan --terragrunt-log-level debug --terragrunt-debug --terragrunt-working-dir working_dir

And the full output:

DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions. 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 1): aws_region, env, aws_account_id   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_tags   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 2): environment_vars 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 2 locals (remaining 0): env, common_tags 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions. 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 1): aws_account_id, aws_region, env   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_tags   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 2): environment_vars 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 2 locals (remaining 0): aws_account_id, aws_region 
DEBU[0000] Running command: terraform --version           
DEBU[0000] Terraform version: 0.14.7                    
DEBU[0000] Reading Terragrunt config file at working_dir/terragrunt.hcl 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions. 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 1): aws_region, env, aws_account_id   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_tags   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 2): environment_vars 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 2 locals (remaining 0): env, common_tags 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 1): aws_account_id, aws_region, env   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_tags   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 3): environment_vars   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 0): env, aws_region, aws_account_id   
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 1): env, aws_account_id, aws_region   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_tags   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 2): environment_vars   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 2 locals (remaining 0): aws_account_id, aws_region   
DEBU[0000] Getting output of dependency /bla bla bla/terragrunt.hcl for config working_dir/terragrunt.hcl 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 1): aws_account_id, aws_region, env   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_tags   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 3): environment_vars   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 0): aws_region, aws_account_id, env   
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 1): aws_account_id, aws_region, env   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_tags   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 2): environment_vars   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 2 locals (remaining 0): aws_account_id, aws_region   
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 1): aws_account_id, aws_region, env   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_tags   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 3): environment_vars   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 0): aws_account_id, env, aws_region   
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 3 locals (remaining 1): aws_account_id, aws_region, env   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_tags   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 2): environment_vars   
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 2 locals (remaining 0): aws_account_id, aws_region   
DEBU[0000] Detected module /bla bla bla/terragrunt.hcl is already init-ed. Retrieving outputs directly from working directory.   
DEBU[0000] Running command: terraform output -json        

Error: Initialization required. Please see the error message above.

ERRO[0002] exit status 1
brikis98 commented 3 years ago

@chris1248 Could you provide more info on your Terragrunt configurations?

@yorinasub17 Could this be related to (

yorinasub17 commented 3 years ago

Yes this looks like it is related.

@chris1248 (assuming you have remote_state configured) could you try wiping .terragrunt-cache from the /bla bla bla folder (the module targeted by dependency) and see if the error message changes?

Separately, was this an existing config that you upgraded to tf 0.14, or completely brand new?

davidalger commented 3 years ago

Just ran into this myself and it does appear to be due to an optimization, but not the one made in v0.28.3 and clearing the .terragrunt-cache doesn't solve it (actually was quite the head scratcher at first because everything worked locally where each module was already initialized, but the error showed up in CI, and eventually I managed to reproduce locally by clearing the .terragrunt-cache directories to test with the same clean state you'd have in a CI build)

Setting disable_dependency_optimization = true seems to be an effective workaround, which runs succesuflly albeit with a couple warnings about falling back to using terragrunt output which is likely why it works since in such a case the init in dependencies would be implied by running the output command.

WARN[0000] Could not parse remote_state block from target config /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project/terragrunt.hcl 
WARN[0000] Falling back to terragrunt output.           
WARN[0000] Could not parse remote_state block from target config /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster/terragrunt.hcl 
WARN[0000] Falling back to terragrunt output.           

The issue is reproducible all the way back to v0.23.38 (the only thing in this release was #1321). The issue cannot be reproduced in v0.23.37. Here is what I was doing to test each version stepping back to where it stopped breaking:

mv terragrunt_darwin_amd64 /tmp/terragrunt-$version
chmod +x /tmp/terragrunt-$version

find . -type d -name .terragrunt-cache -exec rm -rf {} +
(cd live/traefik; /tmp/terragrunt-$version init)

For now I'm going to set disable_dependency_optimization in my config so it doesn't become a blocker for me.

My directory tree looks like this:

├── common_vars.hcl
├── live
│   ├── cluster
│   │   └── terragrunt.hcl
│   ├── project
│   │   └── terragrunt.hcl
│   └── traefik
│       └── terragrunt.hcl
└── terragrunt.hcl

Relevant Terragrunt config:

davidalger@silver-bullet:~/Work/algerdev (terragrunt *) $ cat live/traefik/terragrunt.hcl 
terraform {
  source = "../../modules//traefik"

include {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

dependency "project" {
  config_path = "../project"

dependency "cluster" {
  config_path = "../cluster"

inputs = {
  managed_zone_name     = dependency.project.outputs.managed_zone_name
  managed_zone_dns_name = dependency.project.outputs.managed_zone_dns_name

# Generate providers required to deploy into GKE cluster
generate "provider_cluster" {
  path      = ""
  if_exists = "overwrite_terragrunt"
  contents  = <<-CONTENTS
    # Provides OAuth token for K8S authentication
    data "google_client_config" "default" {}

    provider "kubernetes" {
      host                   = "${dependency.cluster.outputs.gke.endpoint}"
      token                  = data.google_client_config.default.access_token
      cluster_ca_certificate = <<-EOT
        ${indent(4, dependency.cluster.outputs.gke.cluster_ca_certificate)}

    provider "kubernetes-alpha" {
      host                   = "https://${dependency.cluster.outputs.gke.endpoint}"
      token                  = data.google_client_config.default.access_token
      cluster_ca_certificate = <<-EOT
        ${indent(4, dependency.cluster.outputs.gke.cluster_ca_certificate)}

    provider "helm" {
      kubernetes {
        host                   = "${dependency.cluster.outputs.gke.endpoint}"
        token                  = data.google_client_config.default.access_token
        cluster_ca_certificate = <<-EOT
          ${indent(6, dependency.cluster.outputs.gke.cluster_ca_certificate)}
davidalger@silver-bullet:~/Work/algerdev (terragrunt *) $ cat terragrunt.hcl 
locals {
  common_vars = lookup(read_terragrunt_config(find_in_parent_folders("common_vars.hcl", "_"), {}), "locals", {})

# Generate Google provider block
generate "provider" {
  path      = ""
  if_exists = "overwrite_terragrunt"
  contents  = <<-EOT
    terraform {
      backend "gcs" {
        bucket = "${local.common_vars.gcp_tfstate_bucket}"
        prefix = "${path_relative_to_include()}"

    provider "google" {
      region                      = "${local.common_vars.gcp_region}"
      project                     = "${local.common_vars.gcp_project}"
      impersonate_service_account = data.terraform_remote_state.project.outputs.terraform_service_account

    provider "google-beta" {
      region                      = "${local.common_vars.gcp_region}"
      project                     = "${local.common_vars.gcp_project}"
      impersonate_service_account = data.terraform_remote_state.project.outputs.terraform_service_account

    data "terraform_remote_state" "project" {
      backend = "gcs"
      config = {
        bucket = "${local.common_vars.gcp_tfstate_bucket}"
        prefix = "live/project"

# Configure Terragrunt to automatically store tfstate files in a GCS bucket
remote_state {
  backend = "gcs"
  config = {
    bucket                 = local.common_vars.gcp_tfstate_bucket
    prefix                 = path_relative_to_include()
    skip_bucket_creation   = true
    skip_bucket_versioning = true

# Global parameters which apply to all configurations
inputs = {
  region  = local.common_vars.gcp_region,
  project = local.common_vars.gcp_project,
  network = local.common_vars.gcp_network,

# Nothing in here to apply
skip = true

And lastly here is a trace leading up the error from Terraform:

davidalger@silver-bullet:~/Work/algerdev (terragrunt *) $ find . -type d -name .terragrunt-cache -exec rm -rf {} +
davidalger@silver-bullet:~/Work/algerdev (terragrunt *) $ (cd live/traefik; terragrunt init --terragrunt-log-level debug)
DEBU[0000] Did not find any locals block: skipping evaluation. 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions. 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 4 locals (remaining 0): gcp_project, gcp_network, gcp_region, gcp_tfstate_bucket  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_vars 
DEBU[0000] Running command: terraform --version          prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/traefik] 
DEBU[0000] Terraform version: 0.15.0                    
DEBU[0000] Reading Terragrunt config file at /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/traefik/terragrunt.hcl 
DEBU[0000] Did not find any locals block: skipping evaluation. 
DEBU[0000] Did not find any locals block: skipping evaluation.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 4 locals (remaining 0): gcp_network, gcp_region, gcp_tfstate_bucket, gcp_project  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_vars  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Did not find any locals block: skipping evaluation.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 4 locals (remaining 0): gcp_project, gcp_network, gcp_region, gcp_tfstate_bucket  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_vars  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Getting output of dependency /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster/terragrunt.hcl for config /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/traefik/terragrunt.hcl 
DEBU[0000] Getting output of dependency /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project/terragrunt.hcl for config /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/traefik/terragrunt.hcl 
DEBU[0000] Did not find any locals block: skipping evaluation.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Did not find any locals block: skipping evaluation.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 4 locals (remaining 0): gcp_project, gcp_network, gcp_region, gcp_tfstate_bucket  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 4 locals (remaining 0): gcp_region, gcp_tfstate_bucket, gcp_project, gcp_network  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_vars  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_vars  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Did not find any locals block: skipping evaluation.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Did not find any locals block: skipping evaluation.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Found locals block: evaluating the expressions.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 4 locals (remaining 0): gcp_project, gcp_network, gcp_region, gcp_tfstate_bucket  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 4 locals (remaining 0): gcp_project, gcp_network, gcp_region, gcp_tfstate_bucket  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_vars  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Evaluated 1 locals (remaining 0): common_vars  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Detected remote state block with generate config. Resolving dependency by pulling remote state.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Detected remote state block with generate config. Resolving dependency by pulling remote state.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Setting dependency working directory to /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster/.terragrunt-cache/796666379  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Setting dependency working directory to /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project/.terragrunt-cache/800269806  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Generated file /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster/.terragrunt-cache/796666379/  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Generated remote state configuration in working dir /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster/.terragrunt-cache/796666379  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Running command: terraform init -get=false -get-plugins=false  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0000] Generated file /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project/.terragrunt-cache/800269806/  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Generated remote state configuration in working dir /Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project/.terragrunt-cache/800269806  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0000] Running command: terraform init -get=false -get-plugins=false  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0001] Ignoring expected error from dependency init call  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0001] Init call stderr:                             prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0001] Usage: terraform [global options] init [options]

  Initialize a new or existing Terraform working directory by creating
  initial files, loading any remote state, downloading modules, etc.

  This is the first command that should be run for any new or existing
  Terraform configuration per machine. This sets up all the local data
  necessary to run Terraform that is typically not committed to version

  This command is always safe to run multiple times. Though subsequent runs
  may give errors, this command will never delete your configuration or
  state. Even so, if you have important information, please back it up prior
  to running this command, just in case.


  -backend=true        Configure the backend for this configuration.

  -backend-config=path This can be either a path to an HCL file with key/value
                       assignments (same format as terraform.tfvars) or a
                       'key=value' format. This is merged with what is in the
                       configuration file. This can be specified multiple
                       times. The backend type must be in the configuration

  -force-copy          Suppress prompts about copying state data. This is
                       equivalent to providing a "yes" to all confirmation

  -from-module=SOURCE  Copy the contents of the given module into the target
                       directory before initialization.

  -get=true            Download any modules for this configuration.

  -input=true          Ask for input if necessary. If false, will error if
                       input was required.

  -no-color            If specified, output won't contain any color.

  -plugin-dir          Directory containing plugin binaries. This overrides all
                       default search paths for plugins, and prevents the
                       automatic installation of plugins. This flag can be used
                       multiple times.

  -reconfigure         Reconfigure the backend, ignoring any saved

  -upgrade=false       If installing modules (-get) or plugins, ignore
                       previously-downloaded objects and install the
                       latest version allowed within configured constraints.

  -lockfile=MODE       Set a dependency lockfile mode.
                       Currently only "readonly" is valid.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0001] Running command: terraform output -json       prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/project] 
DEBU[0001] Ignoring expected error from dependency init call  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0001] Init call stderr:                             prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0001] Usage: terraform [global options] init [options]

  Initialize a new or existing Terraform working directory by creating
  initial files, loading any remote state, downloading modules, etc.

  This is the first command that should be run for any new or existing
  Terraform configuration per machine. This sets up all the local data
  necessary to run Terraform that is typically not committed to version

  This command is always safe to run multiple times. Though subsequent runs
  may give errors, this command will never delete your configuration or
  state. Even so, if you have important information, please back it up prior
  to running this command, just in case.


  -backend=true        Configure the backend for this configuration.

  -backend-config=path This can be either a path to an HCL file with key/value
                       assignments (same format as terraform.tfvars) or a
                       'key=value' format. This is merged with what is in the
                       configuration file. This can be specified multiple
                       times. The backend type must be in the configuration

  -force-copy          Suppress prompts about copying state data. This is
                       equivalent to providing a "yes" to all confirmation

  -from-module=SOURCE  Copy the contents of the given module into the target
                       directory before initialization.

  -get=true            Download any modules for this configuration.

  -input=true          Ask for input if necessary. If false, will error if
                       input was required.

  -no-color            If specified, output won't contain any color.

  -plugin-dir          Directory containing plugin binaries. This overrides all
                       default search paths for plugins, and prevents the
                       automatic installation of plugins. This flag can be used
                       multiple times.

  -reconfigure         Reconfigure the backend, ignoring any saved

  -upgrade=false       If installing modules (-get) or plugins, ignore
                       previously-downloaded objects and install the
                       latest version allowed within configured constraints.

  -lockfile=MODE       Set a dependency lockfile mode.
                       Currently only "readonly" is valid.  prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
DEBU[0001] Running command: terraform output -json       prefix=[/Users/davidalger/Work/algerdev/live/cluster] 
│ Error: Initialization required. Please see the error message above.
│ Error: Initialization required. Please see the error message above.
ERRO[0001] exit status 1  
chris1248 commented 3 years ago

I always wipe the terragrunt cache directory but it doesn't matter. I solved this by reverting to an older version of terragrunt. Sorry guys, new stuff has wierd bugs, we don't use it.

davidalger commented 3 years ago

@yorinasub17 @brikis98 I think what I'm finding points to possibly needing to simply revert the optimization from #1321, at the very least remove the use of -get-plugins=false which is what's causing the error. As can be seen from my trace, the terraform init call is printing a help message, not an error or warning which is being ignored as an "expected error from dependency init call" despite the error being that an invalid flag is being passed.

From the changelog for Terraform v014.3:

terraform init: setting -get-plugins to false will now cause a warning, as this flag has been a no-op since 0.13.0 and usage is better served through using provider_installation blocks (#27092)

From the changelog for Terraform v0.15.0-beta1:

The -get-plugins=false option is no longer available on terraform init. (Terraform now always installs plugins.) (#27463)

With -get-plugins being a no-op since 0.13.0, it's a bit befuddling why it was added as an optimization circa August 2020, but it was, oh well, and now it's breaking things since the flag is straight up gone. This does lead me to make an additional observation worth mentioning: Upon further inspection of the trace from the OP here, the original issue encountered may be different than the one in my trace as I was running 0.15.0-beta2 when I encountered it, and @chris1248 indicated it broke with 0.14.7 where the flag, although it doesn't do anything, still actually exists and shouldn't trigger the issue shown in my similar but different trace.

I haven't attempted running tests, but building Terragrunt to include the changes in resolves the issue I was having at least (doing more testing, and going to try and run the test suite before submitting a PR for this one). Given my further discovery efforts, I doubt it resolves the OPs, and that issue may indeed be related to the work in #1533 idk.

brikis98 commented 3 years ago

Please give a shot (new binaries should show up in the next few minutes). Thanks to @davidalger's PR, I believe that should fix the issue.

chris1248 commented 3 years ago

I have tested out version 0.28.17 with three different versions of terraform: 0.12.28 - it works 0.14.7 - it works 0.14.9 - it works