grunwaldlab / poppr

🌶 An R package for genetic analysis of populations with mixed (clonal/sexual) reproduction
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newline needed for snpclone show method? #83

Closed knausb closed 8 years ago

knausb commented 8 years ago

When I use R from the Unix terminal and use the show method for a snpclone object it seems to be misssing a newline at the end.

> x
 /// GENLIGHT OBJECT /////////

 // 18 genotypes,  21,719 binary SNPs, size: 589.9 Kb
 31239 (7.99 %) missing data

 // Basic content
   @gen: list of 18 SNPbin
   @ploidy: ploidy of each individual  (range: 2-2)

 // Optional content
   @ind.names:  18 individual labels
   @loc.names:  21719 locus labels
   @chromosome: factor storing chromosomes of the SNPs
   @position: integer storing positions of the SNPs
   @other: a list containing: elements without names 

 // snpclone contents ---
   @mlg: 18 original multilocus genotypes> 

This does not appear to be an issue when using RStudio, just when using the terminal.


zkamvar commented 8 years ago

Will Fix. Thanks for the report.