gruvbox-community / gruvbox

Retro groove color scheme for Vim - community maintained edition
MIT License
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Contribution: Semshi #162

Open mrdgo opened 3 years ago

mrdgo commented 3 years ago

I worked with semshi, a very well python syntax plugin for NeoVim.

Sadly, it only had non-gruvbox predefined colors. However this config makes it much more beautiful:

function MyCustomHighlights()
    hi semshiLocal           ctermfg=209 guifg=#d65d0e
    hi semshiGlobal          ctermfg=214 guifg=#8ec07c
    hi semshiImported        ctermfg=214 guifg=#8ec07c cterm=bold gui=bold
    hi semshiParameter       ctermfg=75  guifg=#83a598
    hi semshiParameterUnused ctermfg=117 guifg=#458588 cterm=underline gui=underline
    hi semshiFree            ctermfg=218 guifg=#d3869b
    hi semshiBuiltin         ctermfg=207 guifg=#b16286
    hi semshiAttribute       ctermfg=49  guifg=#fe8019
    hi semshiSelf            ctermfg=249 guifg=#fb4934
    hi semshiUnresolved      ctermfg=226 guifg=#fabd2f cterm=underline gui=underline
    hi semshiSelected        ctermfg=231 guifg=#ebdbb2 ctermbg=161 guibg=#b57614

    hi semshiErrorSign       ctermfg=231 guifg=#ebdbb2 ctermbg=160 guibg=#fb4934
    hi semshiErrorChar       ctermfg=231 guifg=#ebdbb2 ctermbg=160 guibg=#fb4934
    sign define semshiError text=E> texthl=semshiErrorSign
autocmd FileType python call MyCustomHighlights()

I don't know the requirements for a PR, but if you feel like adding something like this to the supported plugins I would appreciate :)

bennett-nguyen commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your semshi colorscheme, I have searched for it for hours! Also you can change semshiGlobal to #fabd2f to make the code a bit brighter but that's your preferences.