gryphius / pycyborg

My first attempt at reverse engineering a USB protocol - cyborg gaming lights
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Feature request: support for Hyperion possible? #4

Open vswraith opened 8 years ago

vswraith commented 8 years ago

Would it be possible you to make the same cyborg lights compatible with Hyperion?

gryphius commented 8 years ago

From a first glance at the docs I'm not sure if there is a simple way for pycyborg to hook into hyperion. I see they have a boblight interface but it doesn't seem to be the recommended way. Unless I'm missing something, i think the support would have to be done the other way round, eg. support cyborg in hyperion as a target. Or do they have a generic pipe output which we could use to write a wrapper script?

vswraith commented 8 years ago

Too bad,but they do mention boblight clones can connect to it since Hue bulbs can as well-

Can you think of any other uses of these lights? Any other app/hardware i can use them with?