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Bible Quizzing Rule Book
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Substitution prior to overtime #211

Open BeckyJetto opened 1 month ago

BeckyJetto commented 1 month ago

The current rule states that a quizzer needs to be out for 3 questions prior to reentering the quiz. Substitutions between Q20 & Q21 as well as between Q23 & Q24, and so on, should be allowed independent of meeting the "sitting out for 3 questions rule". This would allow a substitution prior to overtime independent of any substitutions after Q18 or Q19. Otherwise a coach would have to decide after Q18 if they are going to sub and try to get the win or keep their strongest quizzers in and try to get a tie and win in overtime.

l-koral commented 1 month ago

From how I have understood the rules, overtime is sort of like a new quiz in that a timeout is issued. Since it resembles somewhat a new quiz, I would think that substitutions could be made as normal. Yet I am unsure if this rule ignores that or not; I am inclined to think that it does since it states that they may not re-enter thr quiz until three numbered questions have elapsed.

24RMiller commented 1 month ago

The timeout being issued is more of a common practice rather than a rule. There are only 3 rules regarding overtime in the rulebook that I know of and none of them are about timeouts or substitutions. There is also nothing in the rulebook about an officials timeout after 20 which is often given. If we were to allow substitutions after question 20, we would need to either codify an officials timeout, or make someone use a timeout. I think the best solution is to add an officials' timeout before each overtime, while also giving coaches one timeout per overtime. Then, under overtime we add something to the effect of: "There will be an officials' timeout before each overtime, during which a team may make a substitution regardless whether the quizzer entering the quiz has sat out 3 questions." This could also go under timeouts or substitutions, but overtime seems to be the best fit. I would also be in favor of adding a rule that states: "Each team is granted one timeout per overtime period."

BeckyJetto commented 1 month ago

@24RMiller Your suggestion of adding, "There will be an officials' timeout before each overtime, during which a team may make a substitution regardless whether the quizzer entering the quiz has sat out 3 questions." would solve/clarify the uncertainty around this issue. I encourage the rules committee to add this to our rules.

kclimenhaga commented 1 month ago

I am definitely in favour of adding a mandatory officials' time out (I usually call it "table time out") before each overtime. The table staff need one anyhow, to select questions for the overtime, so I don't see why not. I am definitely not in favour of granting teams additional timeouts to be used during overtime, partly for the practical reason of not wanting to slow down a quiz, and partly because teams should be able to do any coaching they need during the table time out. In terms of substitutions, I have less strong of an opinion, but I am inclined to say that no, the substitution rules should stay the same for overtime. I am not often a coach, so maybe I'm missing some sort of very common situation where the substitute can only be subbed in for the strongest quizzer on the bench and the team has the option of either trying to win or trying to tie, but to me, the situation @BeckyJetto describes sounds very specific. I have no problem with coaches needing to make that decision on question 18.

24RMiller commented 1 month ago

I can see how giving timeouts for overtime slows down the quiz, although I would say that there are sometimes 3 timeouts called in the last 3 questions, so allowing 2 more timeouts (one by each team) in overtime doesn't seem too extreme.

Does the rule about only one timeout after 17 apply to overtime as well? I would see less of a need for extra timeouts if teams who waited until question 17 to call their first time out could still use another in overtime.

BeckyJetto commented 1 month ago

@kclimenhaga Does a mandatory officials' time out before each overtime allow for substitutions without regard to having to sit out three questions prior to re-entering the quiz?

kclimenhaga commented 3 weeks ago

At present, an officials' time out doesn't allow for substitutions without regard for sitting out for three questions. We could set it so that it would allow for that, but we have not done so thus far. My understanding is that only having one time out after question 17 does apply to overtime under the present rules.

jttower commented 3 weeks ago

Overtime is not the beginning of a new quiz, since quiz outs, err outs, and 3/4/5 person bonuses still apply based on who has gotten questions during the regular quiz. For this reason I am against changing rules for overtime.

I agree that we should add a rule saying that there will be an officials' timeout before question 21, after explaining the rules of overtime. However, I agree with Kristin that multiple timeouts allowed would slow down a quiz that certainly has run over the time allotted due to the overtime. Since the overtime is so short I don't think allowing additional timeouts are necessary, as any coaching that needs to happen can happen during the officials' timeout. However, if a team has any of their 2 regular timeouts left, then they are still allowed to use them. This is a strategic move that a coach may need to decide leading up to the last few questions, based on whether they think overtime is possible. The same applies to substitutions.

I disagree with changing the rules regarding substitutions during an overtime. I think it could get messy with a team taking a timeout before a bonus, for example, to sub someone into the seat that will be getting the bonus. I don't think this should be allowed before an assigned seat bonus question during the regular quiz, either.

Therefore I agree with the following addition to the rule book: "There will be an officials' timeout before each overtime, after the rules of overtime have been explained." I disagree with changing rules about substitutions and additional team timeouts beyond what is already allowed.

ARMediting commented 3 weeks ago

I am surprised there's not more information around overtime in the rulebook. I'd agree with giving a timeout before 21, and I would allow otherwise-legal substitutions (past the three-question mark). Any timeouts leftover from the first 20 questions should be honored, but no more.