grysvn / Space-Invaders--GridWorld-

My final project for AP CS. Uses gridworld to remake the classic game Space Invaders.
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Invader group overlaps #1

Open ALinz27 opened 7 years ago

ALinz27 commented 7 years ago

when you shoot an alien on the end the group of aliens above it moves on top of the bottom row of aliens. I'm not sure how to fix this, but it eliminates an entire row of invaders.

grysvn commented 7 years ago

Wow. I remember seeing that bug once, but I never remembered what caused it. Out of curiosity, how did you find this project and are you using it for reference in AP Comp Sci currently?

I did this when I was a freshman in high school and I'm going to be a junior in college in August, so this is a bit old hahaha. If you would like to contribute a fix I would gladly look at it and accept it.

ALinz27 commented 7 years ago

Well i'm basically doing the same project (i'm a senior in highschool) and i used your code to base my game around. I'm actually surprised you responded. i honestly have no idea how to fix it, i'm trying to figure that out right now and thought maybe you knew how to fix it. Thanks for responding so fast!

grysvn commented 7 years ago

Sorry have been SUPER busy with work and life, haven't been on Git in a while. I have no idea why it does or did that either. If you're using the source as a base, then figuring out that bug would be a good lesson, although I'd warn you to be careful about basing your game off of a github project, it sounds risky when it comes to an academic conduct perspective.