grzegorz914 / homebridge-enphase-envoy

Homebridge plugin for Photovoltaic Energy System manufactured by Enphase. Supported Envoy-IQ, Envoy-S and all peripheral devices.
MIT License
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Self signed certificate error on startup #57

Closed maj closed 1 year ago

maj commented 1 year ago


I'm seeing the following error on startup. Can you advise how I debug further?

Thanks, Michael

[10/1/2022, 8:08:25 AM] [homebridge-enphase-envoy] Device: EnphaseIQ, requesting envoyBackboneAppData
 or save envoy id error: Error: self signed certificate, reconnect in 15s.
grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

What a software is installed in Your Envoy?

maj commented 1 year ago

Looks like 7.3.75

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

So, will not work, firmware 7.x.x and above uses new Authentication method which is none implemented in my plugin at this time. More here:

hugo-leij commented 1 year ago

Hey @grzegorz914

As expected, I also run into the same problem. A new installation has just been put down with Firmware: D7.0.88.

Is it by any chance on your roadmap to develop this?

Thnx, Greetz Hugo.

eleventhaus commented 1 year ago

How do you manually downgrade firmware and what are the risks?

savabg commented 1 year ago

@grzegorz914 I would love to offer some assistance, but I am not well versed in node - I have been half-able to get the module to work (have been able to get successful responses for a number of the requests) with some very crude tweaks (one being directly injecting the Bearer token).

In terms of steps that I have been able to identify to date

  1. Switch this.URL to https instead of http

  2. Enable https module (import https)

  3. Allow for self signed certificates in axios.create add httpsAgent: new https.Agent({
    rejectUnauthorized: false }),

  4. Inject Bearer token in the header in the same section headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ', }

  5. Enable cookies and store sessionId cookie as it is needed for the .json requests (Crudely injecting Cookie in after Authorization)

How to obtain bearer token: GET How to validate validity of token: GET https:///auth/check_jwt -upon successful validation sessionId cookie is generated

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

I will look in to this, hoverer I don't have device with firmware 7.x.x to test it locally.

savabg commented 1 year ago

@grzegorz914 I can grant access to my Envoy to test it out. Also courtesy of @del13r on another thread for a better process to generate token (although I believe just passing the token as config setting might be the quickest win).

In any case - it appears that a number of the APIs result in 504 errors so it might not just be access related issues that have to be addressed with v7, at present requesting to be downgraded to 5.x seems to be the safest bet all around.

I did some experimenting with cURL and found how to generate the JSON Web Token (JWT) by first obtaining a session ID. 2 step process as follows.

Step 1 Login and generate session_id via cURL (replace and MyPassword)

curl -s \
-d 'user[email][password]=MyPassword' \
| jq -r '.session_id'



Note, session ID's are transient (lasting only for a short time; impermanent) so it is always advisable to do step 1 to refresh your Session ID before trying step 2.

Step 2

cURL command that generates the JSON Web Token (JWT) using the session ID from Step 1. (replace myserialnumber and 32alphanumericcharacterSession_IDFromStep1)

curl -s '' \
  -H 'cookie: _enlighten_4_session=32alphanumericcharacterSession_IDFromStep1' \
| jq -r '.token'



This JSON Web Token (JWT) lasts a year.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

@savabg, @del13r

I have published v6.0.0-beta to test. In Authorization section You can enable support for FW.7xx.x and paste your generated token. This test version may not working correct at this time, it is only to test correct login to envoy. Please also enable debug mode and always post the log.