grzegorzmazur / yacas

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escaped chars and OpenMath #306

Closed MarcoCostantini closed 4 years ago

MarcoCostantini commented 4 years ago

When converting from openmath to yacas (see #298), the line If (ec = "&", s := s : "&"); must be after the other escapes

When converting from yacas to openmath (see ) add the line c := If (c = "&", "&", c); before the other escapes

MarcoCostantini commented 4 years ago

for instance, the string "&lt;" must became "<OMOBJ><OMSTR>&amp;lt;</OMSTR></OMOBJ>" and vice versa

grzegorzmazur commented 4 years ago


Are you sure? I mean your example seems to work:

In> OMForm("&lt;")
Out> True
In> FromString("<OMOBJ><OMSTR>&amp;lt;</OMSTR></OMOBJ>")OMRead()
Out> "&lt;"

And with respect to ordering of the substitution cases, they are actually independent of each other, or at least I believe they are :) If no, could you please provide an example when the ordering does matter?

Cheers, Grzesiek