grzm / awyeah-api

Cognitect's aws-api for babashka
Apache License 2.0
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Athena failing on Babashka with InvalidSignatureException #8

Closed jmglov closed 9 months ago

jmglov commented 1 year ago

All requests to the Athena service seem to be failing with InvalidSignatureException. I'm using babashka v1.3.176 with a bb.edn like this:

{:deps { {:mvn/version ""} {:mvn/version "847.2.1387.0"}
        com.grzm/awyeah-api {:git/url ""
                             :git/sha "9257dc0159640e46803d69210cae838d411f1789"
                             :git/tag "v0.8.41"}
        org.babashka/spec.alpha {:git/url ""
                                 :git/sha "8df0712896f596680da7a32ae44bb000b7e45e68"}}}

And am doing the following:

(require '[com.grzm.awyeah.client.api :as aws])
(import '(java.util UUID))

(def athena (aws/client {:api :athena, :region "eu-west-1"}))
(def request-token (str (UUID/randomUUID)))

(aws/invoke athena {:op :ListWorkGroups
                    :request {}})

This fails with:

{:__type "InvalidSignatureException"
 :message "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.\n\nThe Canonical String for this request should have been\n'POST\n/\n\naccept:application/json\ncontent-type:application/x-amz-json-1.1\\nx-amz-date:20230604T113541Z\nx-amz-target:AmazonAthena.ListWorkGroups\n\naccept;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target\n44136fa355b3678a1146ad16f7e8649e94fb4fc21fe77e8310c060f61caaff8a'\n\nThe String-to-Sign should have been\n'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n20230604T113541Z\n20230604/eu-west-1/athena/aws4_request\na5ac7285ef28a4e83ce6bc8e1cc54820c55454e35dee67910b8d9607ca64d35e'\n"
 :cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect}

I've tried various other Athena API calls, and they all fail with the same error. I've verified this works with the Cognitect client, using a deps.edn like this:

{:deps { {:mvn/version "0.8.603"} {:mvn/version ""} {:mvn/version "847.2.1387.0"}}}

I tried testing awyeah-api on JVM Clojure, but ran into #7 :sob:

jmglov commented 1 year ago

Verified that the same error occurs with JVM Clojure.

jmglov commented 1 year ago

I found the issue. Athena is expecting a canonical string like this:




and we're generating a canonical string like this:




The only difference is that our canonical string is missing the port in the host header. The expected canonical string has:

whilst we have:

I'll keep digging to see if I can understand why.

stevebuik commented 11 months ago

I've been getting this error message when using lambda get-function-configuration. Very confusing because the same operation works from the CLI.

digging deeper, it's only for lambda versions that have snapstart enabled i.e. the snapstart feature has only been a part of the aws api for 6 months or so.

I wonder if awyeah is out of sync with the latest aws api? could that cause Invalid signature exceptions across different apis?

I updated to latest commit: fb9bd3dbd0d87fe7dbb63424cbcca51b1fc4211b same error if using a :Version suffix in a lambda arn. could be a separate bug specific to lambda api but same error so might help here

I also updated all the aws deps to the latest versions but same error. That exhausts everything I can think of. Happy to help build a test case if it's useful since I have an operation that works from aws CLI but not using this lib. Just need some direction on how to proceed.

jmglov commented 10 months ago

I finally have some time to look into this more. @stevebuik thanks for your repro report. I'll try to get things working for Athena, and hopefully that will fix your issue as well. I'll ping you once I either have something or get completely stuck. :sweat_smile:

grzm commented 10 months ago

I've updated awyeah-api to catch up to aws-api

Let me know if the issue you're seeing persists.

jmglov commented 10 months ago

Still failing for me, tragically. I'll keep digging.

stevebuik commented 9 months ago

this update has fixed the exception I was getting using the Lambda api. thanks

@jmglov I enjoyed reading your blog post. seems like you will need to dig deep to solve this one

grzm commented 9 months ago

@stevebuik Glad to hear the updates fixed the issue.

stevebuik commented 9 months ago

the problem was similar to Josh'. when calling :GetFunctionConfiguration I needed to append a :Version onto the end of the fn name in the args. This :Version suffix is a newer feature and broke the request signature when used with the earlier lib.

Josh' blog post describes a similar thing where the Athena request has a slightly different shape.

grzm commented 9 months ago

I suspect the issue with host and port is related to how handles host headers ( and how that impacts signing.

grzm commented 9 months ago

On further investigation, appending the port number to the host header value in com.grzm.awyeah.signers/canonical-headers allows the athena invocation to succeed.

Open questions:

I'd like the fix to ensure there's no implicit coupling between the com.grzm.awyeah.http-client implementation (which handles the host header itself) and adding the port to the host header value in signers; then again, I've already made this implicit assumption by not adding the host header elsewhere.

grzm commented 9 months ago

Well, it looks like by default the HttpClient sends only an authority header, not a host header.

Nov 20, 2023 8:09:54 PM encodeHeaders
    :method: POST
    :path: /
    :scheme: https
    content-length: 2
    User-Agent: Java-http-client/21.0.1
    accept: application/json
    authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=[REDACTED]/us-east-1/athena/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token;x-amz-target, Signature=[REDACTED]
    content-type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
    x-amz-date: 20231121T020953Z
    x-amz-security-token: [REDACTED]
    x-amz-target: AmazonAthena.ListWorkGroups1

Assuming the logs are telling the tale, the AWS service is likely taking the authority header as the host header.

For those playing along at home, I set jdk.httpclient.HttpClient.log and System properties.

   :jvm-opts ["-Djdk.httpclient.HttpClient.log=errors,requests,headers"
grzm commented 9 months ago

@jmglov Try HEAD. (I haven't tagged or updated the README yet):

com.grzm/awyeah-api {:git/url ""
                     :git/sha "e5513349a2fd8a980a62bbe0d45a0d55bfcea141"}

Some AWS services (including athena) support HTTP/2, which uses the :authority pseudo header to represent the authority of the URI (which includes the host and port) instead of the HOST header used in HTTP/1.1. AWS is likely mapping the :authority header value to HOST when validating the request signature. By forcing the http-client to use HTTP/1.1, we avoid this behavior.

The alternative of selectively appending port to the host header of some services seems brittle: likely HTTP/2 support in AWS services is a moving target.

jmglov commented 9 months ago

@grzm Sorry for the long delay. :grimacing:

I tested it and it worked! :tada:

(ns athena
  (:require [com.grzm.awyeah.client.api :as aws]))


  (def athena (aws/client {:api :athena, :region "eu-west-1"}))
  ;; => #'athena/athena

  (aws/invoke athena {:op :ListWorkGroups
                      :request {}})
  ;; => {:WorkGroups
  ;;     [{:Name "primary",
  ;;       :State "ENABLED",
  ;;       :Description "",
  ;;       :CreationTime #inst "2023-06-04T11:35:15.000-00:00",
  ;;       :EngineVersion
  ;;       {:SelectedEngineVersion "AUTO",
  ;;        :EffectiveEngineVersion "Athena engine version 3"}}]}

grzm commented 9 months ago

Thanks for confirming! Tagged and README updated. Thanks for the detailed report. The example was particularly helpful.

jmglov commented 9 months ago

Sure thing! Thanks for fixing it! :slightly_smiling_face: