gs-shop / vue-slick-carousel

🚥Vue Slick Carousel with True SSR Written for ⚡Faster Luxstay
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Make event names kebab case #225

Open djmaze opened 2 years ago

djmaze commented 2 years ago

When using in-DOM-templates, it is impossible to listen to the custom events emitted by vue-slick-carousel. The reason is that listeners inside in-DOM templates are always transformed to lowercase, as explained here:

This means we need to use kebab-cased event names in order to be able to listen to events in in-DOM templates.

This is a breaking change, so it might require a new major release.

refs #115

I see that there is also an existing pull request at #142 which leaves out a few events that I've changed here as well (concerning arrows etc.)

The discussion started by @kyuwoo-choi in #142 still applies.