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split skos:example, consider skos:scopeNote and skos:related #220

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 3 years ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 3 years ago

Examples are very useful to understand the nature of a lookup.

For example (I've used turtle """ so I can use newlines instead of the ugly \n):

cbv:Disp-active  a        cbv:Disp ;
        rdfs:comment      "A commissioned object has just been introduced into the supply chain."@en ;
        skos:example      """Manufacturer A commissions tags for 10 cases of product.
A virtual document has been assigned an EPC
Business step: \n- `commissioning`"""@en .
cbv:Disp-active  a        cbv:Disp ;
        rdfs:comment      "A commissioned object has just been introduced into the supply chain."@en ;
        skos:example      "Manufacturer A commissions tags for 10 cases of product.",
                          "A virtual document has been assigned an EPC." ;
        skos:scopeNote    "Business step: \n- `commissioning`"""@en .

However, it's even better to turn skos:scopeNote into a machine-readable triple:

       skos:related       cbv:BizStep-commissioning.

skos:related is normally used with skos:Concept but we can twist the purpose a bit and use it here

mgh128 commented 3 years ago

Thanks - I'm happy to make better use of skos:scopeNote or skos:related within the ontology browser tool. Adding to my to-do list.

VladimirAlexiev commented 3 years ago

@CraigRe Do you also agree to structure these pieces of CBV documentation into separate fields? Mark it agreed. Then ONTO can make the changes to CBV.ttl, and Mark can adjust the ontology browser. (I think this applies only to CBV not EPCIS.)