gs1 / EPCIS

Draft files being shared for EPCIS 2.0 development
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sync JSON examples, regen Turtle examples and Diagrams #344

Closed VladimirAlexiev closed 2 years ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 2 years ago

Commits like this fix some JSON examples. Then I need to:

@mgh128 ping me when you're "done" with examples so I can do the above sync steps and add:

@CraigRe, can you assign to me?

mgh128 commented 2 years ago

I'm focusing on making the updates to the examples in the JSON folder. We can then check in case JSON-simple-context has any additional examples, sync those into the JSON folder, then copy that as JSON-simple-context and use Multi-file find/replace in BBEdit with GitHub desktop to switch the context declarations for the JSON-simple-context files. At least that's how I'd approach it.

Thanks - I'm still fixing the examples in the JSON folder but will ping you when I think they're done. I'm probably still working on it during the next 2-3 hours today. Still a few glitches to sort out and things to add to the modular context resources - e.g. for cbv:Comp etc.

mgh128 commented 2 years ago

Hi @VladimirAlexiev - please consider this as a 'ping'. I think I have now made all the changes and corrections I planned to make to the examples, the Ontology/epcis.ttl and Ontology/cbv.ttl and the modular JSON-LD context. If you can conveniently run make etc., that will help a lot. I now need to sleep - but you're a couple of hours ahead of me in the morning, so maybe you'll have some time to take a look then. Thanks in advance!