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skos:broadMatch vs rdfs:subPropertyOf #15

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 3 years ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 3 years ago

You use skos:broadMatch to map gs1 props to schema props for these (maybe more)

    skos:broadMatch schema:contactPoint .
    skos:broadMatch schema:depth .
    skos:broadMatch schema:eligibleQuantity .
    skos:broadMatch schema:height .
    skos:broadMatch schema:isSimilarTo .
    skos:broadMatch schema:name ;
    skos:broadMatch schema:warranty .
    skos:broadMatch schema:width .

You also use rdfs:subPropertyOf for a bigger set of props (which however doesn't include schema:depth above):

    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:availableLanguage ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:brand ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:contactPoint ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:contentSize ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:description ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:eligibleQuantity ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:expires ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:height ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:inLanguage ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:isSimilarTo ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:name ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:url ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:warranty ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:weight ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:width ;

This seems inconsistent to me.

In order not to force the use of schema: props on the user of gs1:, I'd use only the non-committal skos:broadMatch for mapping, like you've done for classes.

Another inconsistency is skos:broader schema:url, change that skos:broadMatch .