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rdfs:seeAlso in ontology browser #29

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 3 years ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 3 years ago

The ontology uses rdfs:seeAlso for cross-reference links, which is great information. It's used for these purposes:

1) links to image

2) links to other gs1 terms: image

I'm proposing also:

3) links to documentation eg (see

@mgh128 could you please:

  1. render seeAlso values always on a new line (even in case 2) because this is key linking info
  2. render the value as a link even in case 2
  3. make sure URLs that are neither in neither namespace gs1, schema (like the doc URL in case 3) are rendered properly
  4. check what happens if there's a mix of 1, 2 and 3. Because of the added header Nearest equivalent, case 1 should be rendered last