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Differing British/US English terms #43

Open nissimsan opened 10 months ago

nissimsan commented 10 months ago

Thank you for adding a US English context. That's great, and very clever to keep them both.

I think you might have taken it a step too far, though. Either context should reference the same @id should it not? A prefix license is the same, whether it is spelled with an s or a c, isn't it?

I suggest sticking with the British spelling on @ids. So keep as it is, for example:

"GS1PrefixLicenceCredential": {
  "@id": "gs1:GS1PrefixLicenceCredential"

But change the US context to point at the same ' @id`:

"GS1PrefixLicenseCredential": {
  "@id": "gs1:GS1PrefixLicenceCredential"

This way, either spelling resolves to the same @id.