gs1 / WebVoc

GS1 Web vocabulary development site
Apache License 2.0
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Supporting package of multiples. #7

Open oldskeptic opened 3 years ago

oldskeptic commented 3 years ago

GS1 Data Hub has this notion of Packaging Level Hierarchy for packaging that contains other packages (eg: A six-pack).

There is no obvious property for this in the vocabulary. Is there any documentation or guidance on supporting this use case?

oldskeptic commented 3 years ago

On this same thread, GS1 Logistic Label Guideline uses AI (37) to document the number of trade items within the packaging and AI (02) CONTENT to document count.

It would be helpful to have these as properties in the next release of webvoc.

oldskeptic commented 3 years ago

@mgh128 @philarcher Is there a process document for suggesting changes or will you accept pull requests to move this forward?

philarcher commented 3 years ago

Hi @oldskeptic and thanks for the question. @mgh128 and I are painfully aware of the need to make the kind of improvements that you and @VladimirAlexiev are suggesting. The problem, as ever, is time and priorities. But to answer your specific question, the answer is yes, there is a process. And, whaddyaknow, we're working on formalizing that too. There's an IP policy in play here that needs to be agreed to.

I have made a note to add "read helpful comments on the Web Voc and take action" to my to do list. However, I have to admit it won't happen immediately. Mark and I are both offline next week, for example.

oldskeptic commented 3 years ago

OK, when it is formalized, I will be happy to contribute.