gsantner / markor

Text editor - Notes & ToDo (for Android) - Markdown, todo.txt, plaintext, math, ..
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Storage mounting #1905

Open n-kam opened 1 year ago

n-kam commented 1 year ago

⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️


It would be nice to have an ability to work with "virtual" filesystems (not sure about the correct name), that are created by other programs like EDS (app to open luks/encfs/veracrypt containers on android), and, if I understand correctly, are to be accessed via Android Storage Access Framework.

When these filesystems are created, they are being shown in default file manager in the left menu list below SD card and Internal storage. But in Markor they are neither visible in the list of places under top bar folder button, nor files from there can opened in Markor when being selected in android file manager, the app just crashes.


Android version: 9, Havoc OS 2.9 Device: markw (Xiaomi Redmi 4 Prime) App Version: Markor 2.10.6 / Mordor 2.10.6-0942


git master branch

Format / File type

Not specific

Additional info / Log

No response

gsantner commented 1 year ago

You talk about two things, one being a feature request, the other one seemingly a bug report. Please split them up if necessary.


It would be nice to have an ability to work with "virtual" filesystems (not sure about the correct name), that are created by other programs like EDS (app to open luks/encfs/veracrypt containers on android), and, if I understand correctly, are to be accessed via Android Storage Access Framework. When these filesystems are created, they are being shown in default file manager in the left menu list below SD card and Internal storage.


But in Markor they are neither visible in the list of places under top bar folder button, nor files from there can opened in Markor when being selected in android file manager, the app just crashes.

I tested with many external file browser/management apps to open files from it in Markor, and all worked fine, including the (aosp) android file manager. Can you please add a android debug log (adb logcat), thats how you could help best?

Can you please share information on nr 2.? For Nr 1 there is another issue already open as far I know. So either way, probably will close this if there is no feedback on the bug or it's not reproducible.

silmaril42 commented 1 year ago

This sounds like a misunderstanding to me.

My understanding of the original issue: It would be great if Markor supported selecting a folder via Android Storage Access Framework. This way we would be able to select folders that only exist in a logical way, such as the ones provided by the Nextcloud app (or other apps that provide access to cloud storage providers).

The current file selection is very neat for selecting any folder that exists locally on the device, but it lacks the possibility to select virtual folders that are supplied by other apps.

Other apps do this by using a file selection dialog from the system (and possibly some different file access methods for all file IO calls). I am not sure if this can be done inside a custom file selection dialog as the one currently present in Markor.

I agree that being able to use any folder from the Storage Access Framework would significantly improve the ways we could use this great app, but I fear this might mean refactoring large parts of the code (but I am no Android developer, so don't take this for granted).

gsantner commented 1 year ago

No, but its two different topics.