gsd00110 / dynCOULD

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RTO and RPO #6

Open gsd00110 opened 1 year ago

gsd00110 commented 1 year ago

Build an architecture that can recover from failure For recoverability, you should perform an analysis that examines your possible data loss and major downtime scenarios. Your analysis should include an exploration of recovery strategies and the cost/benefit tradeoff for each. This exercise gives you important insight into your organization's priorities, and helps clarify the role of your application. The results of your analysis should include these duration values for your application:

Recovery point objective (RPO): The maximum duration of acceptable data loss. RPO is measured in units of time, not volume. Examples are "30 minutes of data," "four hours of data," and so on. RPO is about limiting and recovering from data loss, not data theft.

Recovery time objective (RTO): The maximum duration of acceptable downtime, where your specification defines "downtime". For example, if the acceptable downtime duration is eight hours if there's a disaster, then your RTO is eight hours.

With RPO and RTO defined, you can design backup, restore, replication, and recovery capabilities into your architecture to meet these objectives.

Every cloud provider offers a suite of services and features that you can use to improve your application's availability and recoverability. When possible, use existing services and best practices, and try to resist creating your own.

Hard drives can fail, datacenters can become unreachable, and hackers can attack. It's important that you maintain a good reputation with your customers by using availability and recoverability. Availability focuses on maintaining uptime through conditions like network outages, and recoverability focuses on retrieving data after a disaster.