gsemac / Gsemac.Common

A collection of .NET utilities for use across my projects
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Exception thrown when decoding animated WEBP images #6

Closed gsemac closed 2 years ago

gsemac commented 2 years ago

An exception is thrown by the decoder when attempting to decode animated WEBP images:

System.Exception: Can´t encode WebP
In WebP.Decode
   at WebPWrapper.WebP.Decode(Byte[] rawWebP)
   at Gsemac.Drawing.Imaging.WebPImageCodec.DecodeWebPBitmap(Stream stream)
   at Gsemac.Drawing.Imaging.WebPImageCodec.Decode(Stream stream)
   at Gsemac.Drawing.ImageFactoryBase.FromStream(Stream stream, IFileFormat imageFormat)
   at Gsemac.Drawing.Extensions.ImageFactoryExtensions.FromFile(IImageFactory imageFactory, String filePath)

This issue is noted in WebP-wrapper's issue tracker: JosePineiro/WebP-wrapper#27

According to the developer it's already been fixed, so recompiling WebPWrapper.dll with the latest source should resolve the problem.

gsemac commented 2 years ago

Resolved with commit 62071c9feddb85cdfd5caa340da1af9c52d2b3c7.