gshev / playwright-extra-sharp

MIT License
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Unhandled exception. System.TypeLoadException: Method 'CloseAsync' in type 'PlaywrightExtraSharp.PlaywrightExtra' from assembly 'PlaywrightExtraSharp #6

Open JumpAttacker opened 3 months ago

JumpAttacker commented 3 months ago

Just create simple dotnet6 app

// Initialize, install, use plugin and launch

using PlaywrightExtraSharp; using PlaywrightExtraSharp.Models; using PlaywrightExtraSharp.Plugins.ExtraStealth;

var playwrightExtra = await new PlaywrightExtra(BrowserTypeEnum.Chromium) .Install() .Use(new StealthExtraPlugin()) .LaunchAsync(new () { Headless = false });

// Create a new page var context = await playwrightExtra.NewContextAsync(); var page = await context.NewPageAsync(); await page.GotoAsync("");

and got an error

Unhandled exception. System.TypeLoadException: Method 'CloseAsync' in type 'PlaywrightExtraSharp.PlaywrightExtra' from assembly 'PlaywrightExtraSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation. at Program.

$(String[] args) at Program.
(String[] args)

Process finished with exit code -532,462,766.

also create repository

HisuianZoroark69 commented 2 months ago

Try this nuget package instead