gsilano / CrazyS

CrazyS is an extension of the ROS package RotorS, aimed to modeling, developing and integrating the Crazyflie 2.0
Apache License 2.0
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Question regarding publishing motor speed to Gazebo & some theoretical parameters #101

Closed wonggwan closed 1 year ago

wonggwan commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the great repo! As I sent the email a few days ago that probably was not clear enough to state my question, I am sending all the related issues I have using this repo over here:)

My setup

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic and Gazebo 11 version and have already managed to setup & install all the things now

Issue 1: publishing motor speed to Gazebo via rostopic

After I managed to show the CrazyS robot in Gazebo, I was trying to control the drone via Python script by publishing the corresponding motor speed to the ROS topic.

My questions are as follows for the first issue:

float64[] angular_velocities # Angular velocities of the actuator in [rad/s].
                             # E.g. "rpm" of rotors, propellers, thrusters 

But I think the motor speed has a different unit rpm compared to the angular velocity of the actuator rad/s, how do we specify this when we publish our motor speed to Gazebo?

Issue 2: question regarding some coefficient & parameter setting to calculate the system dynamics of the CrazyS

My questions are as follows for the second issue:


Does the parameter match the physical configuration of the drone being used in Gazebo?

  <xacro:property name="mass" value="0.025" /> <!-- [kg] -->
  <xacro:property name="mass_rotor" value="0.0005" /> <!-- [kg] -->

which means the total mass will be 0.025 + 4*0.0005 = 0.027 kg.

Thank you so much!

welcome[bot] commented 1 year ago

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Make sure that no other issues on the same topic have already been opened!

dingthe4th commented 1 year ago

Hi! Think of my 'answers' with a grain of salt, I am no expert regarding this repo. I am just someone who used this repo recently as well.

For Issue 1, you publish the motor speed to /crazyflie/command/motor_speed. I used the Matlab version of this repo, so I am not entirely sure how to publish via script, but in Matlab, /crazyflie/command/motor_speed needs input from mav_msgs/Actuators and Propellers Angular Velocities (4) from Omegas (motor speed), see Fig. 11 (p.22) of the documentation that you refer to. As for the units, I already forgot but I think it's in the docu as well.

As for Issue 2, I think it's correct as maybe the ones showed in Gazebo is rounded-up to 0.XX significant digits? Not entirely sure.

If you wait for a bit, your issues maybe resolved by the author of this repo, good luck!

wonggwan commented 1 year ago

Update for Issue 1 regarding the motor speed:

I found that the /CrazyS/src/CrazyFlie/rotors_control/src/nodes/roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust_crazyflie_node.cpp is also publishing some sort of motor speed commands to gazebo apart from the /crazyflie2/command/motor_speed one, what should we do about this? E.g. does these two node interfere each other during simulation in gazebo?

wonggwan commented 1 year ago

Hi! Think of my 'answers' with a grain of salt, I am no expert regarding this repo. I am just someone who used this repo recently as well.

For Issue 1, you publish the motor speed to /crazyflie/command/motor_speed. I used the Matlab version of this repo, so I am not entirely sure how to publish via script, but in Matlab, /crazyflie/command/motor_speed needs input from mav_msgs/Actuators and Propellers Angular Velocities (4) from Omegas (motor speed), see Fig. 11 (p.22) of the documentation that you refer to. As for the units, I already forgot but I think it's in the docu as well.

As for Issue 2, I think it's correct as maybe the ones showed in Gazebo is rounded-up to 0.XX significant digits? Not entirely sure.

If you wait for a bit, your issues maybe resolved by the author of this repo, good luck!

Hi! Thanks for the help!

For Issue 1, now I also agree with you that we should publish the motor speed to the /crazyflie2/command/motor_speed, but as my comments above mentioned, there is one more node named as /CrazyS/src/CrazyFlie/rotors_control/src/nodes/roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust_crazyflie_node.cpp that is also publishing something towards the same topic, so I am not sure how is this affect my result.

As for Issue 2, since the drone is too light-weighted (roughly 30 grams), so any small change in the value will result in a very huge change in the calculation result. Since I am trying to use pure math calculation to 'simulate' how the drone fly, so I think the numbers will be crucial to the result.

gsilano commented 1 year ago

Hi wonggwan! Glad to hear from you that you found my work helpful. Here are my answers:

I hope this helps. If not, let me know.

wonggwan commented 1 year ago

Hi wonggwan! Glad to hear from you that you found my work helpful. Here are my answers:

  • Motor speeds are expressed in radians per second [rad/s]. If you want to control the drone, without using the provided controller, just run roslaunch rotors_gazebo crazyflie2_without_controller.launch. Then, your code should publish on the /crazyflie2/gazebo/command/motor_speed topic.
  • ROS Messages are defined in the mav_msgs repository. Specifically, here you can find the definition of Actuators. You can find the maximum angular velocity in the the crazyflie2_base.xacro and crazyflie2_forster.xacro files. Since I have never tested the simulator with the Crazyflie, comparing the behaviors, I suggest you find your own parameters or rely on those in Forster's thesis.

I hope this helps. If not, let me know.

Thank you so much for your help! I think that solves my current problem! Closing this issue now:)