gskielian / TEAM-VERILOG

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Example programs : D, ideas? #1

Open gskielian opened 8 years ago

gskielian commented 8 years ago

@cliffordwolf @FSMaxB @gordon-quad

We need more examples, what do you all think we need to add? (hoping we could brainstorm, I also have some time this weekend to create stuff)

Some ideas:

-- thoughts?

gordon-quad commented 8 years ago

i could put some sysPLL usage examples with which i experimented recently

gskielian commented 8 years ago

@gordon-quad Awesome : D

cliffordwolf commented 8 years ago

@gordon-quad jfyi: I recently added a icepll tool to icestorm that can be used to calculate the PLL DIVR, DIVF, and DIVQ parameters for a given input/output frequency pair.

gskielian commented 8 years ago

Hi @cliffordwolf, I dove into the tutorials and seems that one of my main hurdles coming from C is how to debug -- asic-world had a $default which emulated a printf, but doesn't seem to print to stdout when copypasta'd -- though since I'm new I not sure, maybe this is a feature reserved for a simulator tool?

cliffordwolf commented 8 years ago

@gskielian hmm... $default? Do you mean $display? Yes, this is simulation-only.

Usually you have your design in one verilog file(s) and then a "testbench" in other verilog file(s), that wrap the design. The design should only use features that are synthesizable and the testbench can use all verilog features. For example my PicoRV32 processor core:

Yosys can actually evaluate $display (and $finish) statements in initial blocks, as long as everything is constant. This can be used when checking parameters in a module and generating errors when invalid parameters are used. Most other synthesis tools simply ignore all $display statements.

gordon-quad commented 8 years ago

Gentoo ebuilds available at booboo overlay

gskielian commented 8 years ago

@cliffordwolf Awesome, thanks for the clarification : )

I really started to dive into this, dug up all my old FPGA texts and am going to see if I can add some FFT or DSP examples into the mix : )

gordon-quad commented 8 years ago

It would be cool to know how many LUTs required for simple 8x8 multiplier, cos lack of hardware multipliers makes such FPGA not so good for some sofsticated DSP.

cliffordwolf commented 8 years ago

@gordon-quad I just tried it out (running yosys -p synth_ice40 on the following verilog files). This one is 70 LUTs:

module test(input [7:0] a, b, output [7:0] y);
    assign y = a*b;

and this one 168 LUTs:

module test(input [7:0] a, b, output [15:0] y);
    assign y = a*b;
gordon-quad commented 8 years ago

sad story

FSMaxB commented 8 years ago

A nice example would be something that uses a taster as input (--> debouncing is required). That could be a light running in circles on the LEDs (a register with binary 0001 that gets shifted continuously), with the taster toggling on and off states.

cliffordwolf commented 8 years ago

jfyi: There is now timing analysis in project icestorm (icetime). I have updated the examples that are included in the icestorm source distribution accordingly.