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Development NumericalDerivatives #7

Closed yuchuan2016 closed 7 years ago

yuchuan2016 commented 7 years ago

@arosenbe , could you kindly take a look at this? This package is simply a translation of this MATLAB library. It should be straightforward. Thanks!

yuchuan2016 commented 7 years ago

@arosenbe , thanks for the comments! I have implemented all sugegstions. Could you take a look? About the check of empty function argument, I'm not sure what's the parallel test in R. I don't know how to create an empty function. The closest I can think of is function() NULL. Should I test something like is.null(func())?

arosenbe commented 7 years ago

Thanks @yuchuan2016. I like the new sapply syntax a lot! On the empty function check, I think you were initially correct in ignoring it (don't know why I brought it up). Nobody can take the Jacobian of a nonexistent function.

I have one more comment: All arguments should be passed explicitly to f. We shouldn't rely on the parent scope to fill them in for us.

yuchuan2016 commented 7 years ago

@arosenbe , thanks! I don't quite understand your last comment. Could you explain it a little? Thanks a lot!

arosenbe commented 7 years ago

Yeah, definitely @yuchuan2016! The inner f function takes j as an argument but (at least in numJacob) also depends on x0, xTol, paramdim, and func. The current implementation passes j to f explicitly in the sapply statement, but the other dependencies are filled implicitly by f checking its parent scope (the numJacob function). If the variables weren't found there, then f would check numJacob's parent scope. This can be problematic, because we might end up filling these implicit dependencies with values different from the ones we intended.

A solution is to enumerate these dependencies explicitly as arguments in the f function. These arguments can be filled in the sapply call as arguments after f. A simple example of this is below. Let me know if you need a different description or want to talk in person.

# Good practice (pass y explicitly)
f_good <- function(x, y){
  out <- c(x, y)

out_good <- sapply(1:10, f_good, 0)

# Bad practice (check parent scope for implicit dependency on `y`)
f_bad <- function(x){
  out <- c(x, y)

y <- 0
out_bad <- sapply(1:10, f_bad)

# Check for equality
all.equal(out_good, out_bad) # True
yuchuan2016 commented 7 years ago

@arosenbe , thanks! Your explanation is very clear. I have updated the relevant part.

arosenbe commented 7 years ago

Looking better @yuchuan2016! I especially love that the way that the argument positions line up. I do have another comment (sorry!) about your implementation of my suggestion above

It looks like you moved some steps that only need to be done once (e.g., function evaluation at base argument values) into the inner f function. This results in them being evaluated length(x0) times, which could result in a considerable loss of speed if the function's called a lot, which I expect them to be. It'd be great if you could move these steps outside the f function and just pass their output into the f function.

yuchuan2016 commented 7 years ago

@arosenbe , very good point! Thanks. I have modified the function.

arosenbe commented 7 years ago

Thanks @yuchuan2016! I'm happy with the format of the code now. I wonder if we don't want to have some error checking though. I was playing around with the code and was surprised by the result below.

# Assumes you've already loaded numJacob
f <- function(x) x[1]^2 + x[2]^3 + x[3]^4
out <- NumericalDerivatives::numJacob(f, c(1, 2), .5)
# [1] NA NA

I think this occurs because f(x0) evaluates to NA when too few arguments are passed. Oppositely, when there are too many, we get weird stuff like this

f <- function(x) x[1]^2 + x[2]^3 + x[3]^4
out <- NumericalDerivatives::numJacob(f, c(1, 2, 3, 4), .5)
# [1]   2.500  19.000 219.375   0.000

If the Matlab implementation was fine with these edge cases, then I think we can ignore them. Could you check and report back?

yuchuan2016 commented 7 years ago

@arosenbe , good point! I think the second case is fine. It just means the function does not depend on the fourth argument, so the derivative is 0. The MATLAB implementation also return a 1*4 matrix.

For the first case, MATLAB function will raise an error "Index exceeds matrix dimensions". The difference comes from that in MARLAB, you have

x=[1;2]; x(3) Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

While in R, you have

x <- c(1, 2) x[3] [1] NA

Can we raise an error if f(x0) is evaluated to be "NA"?

arosenbe commented 7 years ago

I think that's a great solution @yuchuan2016.

arosenbe commented 7 years ago

@yuchuan2016 I was taking a closer look at numHess, and I have three comments

f <- function(x) x[1]^2 + x[2]^3 + x[3]^4

x0 <- c(1, 2, 3)
ind_colvar <- length(x0) + 1 # same for row

out <- NumericalDerivatives::numHess(f, x0, .5, ind_colvar = ind_colvar)

f <- function(x) x[1]^2 + x[2]^3 + x[3]^4

x0 <- c(1, 2, 3)

out_row <- NumericalDerivatives::numHess(f, x0, .5, ind_rowvar = 1)
is.matrix(out) # False

out_col <- NumericalDerivatives::numHess(f, x0, .5, ind_colvar = 1)
is.matrix(out) # True
yuchuan2016 commented 7 years ago

@arosenbe , thanks! I incorporate your comments. Could you take a look?

arosenbe commented 7 years ago

Sorry for my delay in getting back to you @yuchuan2016! Your commit above does address my comments. However, I think it introduces a new bug in numHess. The sapply function seems to concatenate entire matrices when the target function returns a vector.

fun_vctr <- function(x){
  out <- c(x[1]^2, x[2]^2, x[3]^2)

fun_sclr <- function(x){
  out <- c(x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 + x[3]^2)

dim(numHess(fun_sclr, c(2, 3, 4), .5)) # Square
dim(numHess(fun_vctr, c(2, 3, 4), .5)) # Not square
yuchuan2016 commented 7 years ago

@arosenbe , thanks! The MATLAB version does not allow a vector func. If you pass a vector function, it will throw an error

Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts

since we assign hess(i,j) a vector value.

Do you think we want to allow numHess to handle a vector-value function? If so, should the output be a three-dimension array, and the length of the first dimension is the length of function output? Or we can also raise an error if length(f0)>0, as the original function?

arosenbe commented 7 years ago

Good thought going back to the MATLAB @yuchuan2016! I think we want to be as faithful to that implementation as possible. So let's raise an error if length(f0)>1 for numHess. I do think we should add this to the documentation. Maybe something like

The function numerically calculates the Hessian matrix of a given ~vector~scalar-valued function.

Do you know if this same requirement is put on numJacob?

yuchuan2016 commented 7 years ago

@arosenbe , actually numJacob allows vector-valued functions. It returns a row vector for a scalar-valued function, and a matrix for a vector-valued function with the ith row corresponding to the ith element of the function output. The current R function does the same thing.

Do you mean "a given scalar-valued function" in your previous comment?

arosenbe commented 7 years ago

Yes I did @yuchuan2016.

yuchuan2016 commented 7 years ago

@arosenbe , thanks! I'm going to merge to master if no other issues arise.