gsliepen / tinc

a VPN daemon
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Question about releases compatibility #391

Open ptorrent opened 2 years ago

ptorrent commented 2 years ago


Are version 1.0.36 / 1.1pre16 / 1.1pre18 comptabile ?

What kind of issue I can have in this scenario ?

hg commented 2 years ago

Until @gsliepen gives a better answer, here's my take: sure. I have a mishmash of nodes running all kinds of versions, never had any compatibility issues.

If you're running both 1.0 and 1.1, don't disable legacy protocol support on 1.1 nodes and make sure they have RSA keys configured.

fangfufu commented 2 years ago

I had this problem: - Tinc 1.1 on OpenWRT 21.02 fails to connect tinc 1.0 on Debian

gsliepen commented 2 years ago

@hg has good advice. Apart from that, 1.1pre and the final 1.1.0 will be compatible with 1.0.. 1.1pre18 should also be compatible with 1.1pre16, but there might be some changes coming in the new protocol that might make later pre-releases incompatible with earlier ones.

One thing that's currently missing in our test infrastructure is testing compatibility with earlier versions of tinc. I've created #397 to track this.