gsliepen / tinc

a VPN daemon
1.87k stars 280 forks source link

Please add time when you output the log. There are too many retry link logs but do not know the time. #440

Open aogg opened 10 months ago

aogg commented 10 months ago

Please add time when you output the log. There are too many retry link logs but do not know the time.

unverbuggt commented 4 months ago

For my scripts I pipe the debug output ot tincd through mtee (on windows) to add a timestamp. I think similar things could be achieved by the tee command in unix environments.

tincd -c "%~dp0..\coronavpn" -o "Name=%1" -o "Ed25519PrivateKeyFile=keys\%1.key" -o "BindToAddress=* %2" -D 2>&1 | mtee /T /+ ..\tinc.log