gsquibbs / MI-449-SS17-740-css-frameworks-p1twXJ

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Project Feedback #1

Open gsquibbs opened 7 years ago

gsquibbs commented 7 years ago

@chrisvfritz Can you take a look at this? It's hosted here and meets the following criteria:

KatieMFritz commented 7 years ago

First off - do you know about 😄

Second - this is my new favorite store even though you don't sell anything. Cats ARE always a good option. 🐱

Okay, now down to business.

Great job with writing valid HTML, not pushing with any console errors, and using descriptive commit messages! ✨ Your indentation and spacing are also great, and your use of columns is :fire:.

Two things to change:

JavaScript goes at the end of the body element

So, you might not have done this lesson yet (the risk of choose your own adventure), but from page 2 of the lesson:

Unlike style and link, which are used for CSS, the script element usually goes at the end of the body element, right before the closing </body> tag:

While there's some debate over this, it is the traditional place. Move all your js files (your script elements) to the bottom of body.

Bootstrap Navbar

I see that you used div class="navbar", but Bootstrap gets WAY cooler than that and we want you to try it out for this lesson.

Check out how the navbar on this page looks compared to your navbar. It's way fancier, right? That's because it's not just using nav class="navbar"; it's using a whole bunch of Bootstrap-specific markup (HTML). Start from that page, look at the Bootstrap docs (there's a link on that page), and see if you can make your navbar look more like the typical Bootstrap navbar. 👍:+1:

After you’ve made your changes and pushed them to GitHub and your hosted site, give it a once-over to make sure it looks right, then comment back here and I’ll take another look.

Thanks! :rocket:

gsquibbs commented 7 years ago

Okay so I made the changes for the most part, but for some reason I CANNOT figure out how to get the items in my dropdown menu to be centered underneath the actual menu. I've been scouring Google trying to figure out it and I can't quite get it, any suggestions?

KatieMFritz commented 7 years ago

Oh, interesting! I see what you're trying to do. 👍 I'm not sure if it's possible without writing your own CSS, which is outside the scope of this lesson.

Here's a proposal for you. Try implementing a more traditional Bootstrap navbar at the top of your page, like this:

bootstrap navbar

You don't have to use all the elements included there, but we definitely want you to include your project name and three links. You can just change it on your index.html and leave the other pages as is. The reason I'd like you to use this version of the Bootstrap navbar is because it's pretty commonly used as a base for projects, from quick little prototypes to large corporate sites (see some examples) . You're likely to use it again in the future, so now's a great time to get the basics down.

Once you've done that, if you're still curious, we can work together on that centered menu button idea and get it working.

Whaddya think? 😁

Other notes:

gsquibbs commented 7 years ago

I implemented a navbar more similar to the one shown above and got rid of the excess files! :)

KatieMFritz commented 7 years ago

Awesome! 🔥 🛍 ✨ 😸


For future reference, you might be interested in the Bootstrap Jumbotron class. Here's an example of one way you could use it on this page: jumbotron

To make it full width, you would put it outside of <div class="container">. For this example, I kept it inside.