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Not flying #1

Open rama123-coder opened 4 years ago

rama123-coder commented 4 years ago

The given commands doesn't work. It is asking to do take off and land.

gstavrinos commented 4 years ago

Hey, thanks for reaching out. Please be more specific: What OS are you using? What commands are you running and which ones are not working?

rama123-coder commented 4 years ago

Hi Thanks for your response. I am using ROS kinetic and ubuntu 16.04. I tried the commands and I installed packages all packages given in the page: The commands are: roslaunch bebop_gazebo bebop_moving_helipad.launch roslaunch ar_helipad bebop_helipad_individual.launch rosrun tf_velocity_estimator rosrun aerial_local_planner rosrun aerial_global_planner

gstavrinos commented 4 years ago

Ok. Do you get any errors, crashes, unexpected behaviour? I, still, do not really understand, what your problem is. The more info you provide me, the better help I can offer you.

tenggyut commented 3 years ago

I have met the same issue, the error is:

[INFO] [1622796502.035041, 4.405000]: Controller Spawner: Loaded controllers: controller/position, controller/velocity, controller/attitude
[ERROR] [1622796502.038882100, 4.406000000]: Controller 'controller/position' is already running
[ERROR] [1622796502.039731, 4.406000]: Failed to start controllers: controller/position, controller/velocity, controller/attitude
[ INFO] [1622796502.157588200, 4.435000000]: Enabled attitude output
[ INFO] [1622796502.157973200, 4.435000000]: Enabled yawrate output
[ INFO] [1622796502.158103500, 4.435000000]: Enabled thrust output
[ WARN] [1622796659.060995500, 34.269000000]: Takeoff failed
gstavrinos commented 3 years ago

Hey @tenggyut ,

It's been some time since I have worked on the code, but can you please provide me with a full console output?

huyomgnoobrager commented 2 years ago

I have the same issues that the drone only take off but is not landing on the moving platform even though I ran all 5 command.

gstavrinos commented 2 years ago

Hi @huyomgnoobrager,

This is not the same issue, as the people above have not been able to take off. You seem to be taking off just fine.

Please open a new issue and include some more information about your setup and the errors you possibly see in the terminal
