gsteph / groove-dl

A Grooveshark song downloader in Python
120 stars 30 forks source link

Newest commit broke everything #9

Closed DelusionalLogic closed 12 years ago

DelusionalLogic commented 12 years ago

The script is never able to get a stream key after the switch to getStreamKey...

It always return empty, and the program therefore exits. I can access grooveshark in browser, just not in script. (search and everything works fine, just not StreakKey

gsteph commented 12 years ago

Woops. I thought that was because I was banned. Sorry I'll try fixing it now.

DelusionalLogic commented 12 years ago

They didn't switch from the IDEx function, it seems like they use the IDs one sometimes. ill search through the swf

gsteph commented 12 years ago

It actually works here. o.O

gsteph commented 12 years ago

I changed what the stream key function returns. Could it be that you're using the 'library' from your own code and didn't change yours ?

DelusionalLogic commented 12 years ago

I forked your code, cloned it with github for windows (cuz i'm a lazy SoaB) and opened it in eclipse (with pydev) it does seem to want to play with me, changing the method to "getStreamKeyFromSongIDEx" get's me something, but then it returns a list, which apparently has no .iteritems

gsteph commented 12 years ago

heh guess I'm a lazy SoaB too! What song do you test with (along with search query) ? could be song-specific. Who knows.

DelusionalLogic commented 12 years ago

should have known, i was wondering why it was showing everything as being changed.

woodlands by Rasmus Kellerman, the query i used it just "woodlands"

gsteph commented 12 years ago

Works great. Something is very wrong on your side.

DelusionalLogic commented 12 years ago

It must be, this is very strange. This is the return: {u'header': {u'prefetchEnabled': True, u'serviceVersion': u'20100903', u'session': u'21a9a6746a0dd27f4c283aa14c0d93d6'}, u'result': {u'24409048': []}} what a strange thing that it returns as if i was blocked.

I'll let it be till tomorrow, in case they made a new sort of ban they might only have banned the script (who knows) firefox seems to be banned to, chrome is untouched. by tomorrow i should be unbanned.

gsteph commented 12 years ago

Try deleting your chrome cache/cookies ?

DelusionalLogic commented 12 years ago

Nope, chrome still works, and python still fails, even worse, now the cookie monster is sad too.

Again, i'll see if it works tomorrow, i'll commit my changes when i get around to test it.

EDIT: Yep, it's because i'm "tempBanned" firefox doesn't work, so chrome uses another connection type than python and firefox? interesting.

DelusionalLogic commented 12 years ago

Yep, waiting the night fixed it.