gstf / libspatialite-ios

libspatialite compiled for iOS
55 stars 47 forks source link

Fixed to work with Xcode 5 and updated dependencies #3

Closed muellermartin closed 10 years ago

muellermartin commented 10 years ago

Fix for Xcode 5

According to this question on Stack Exchange adding an additional flag makes the compilation work with Xcode 5:

(...) Xcode 5 replaces gcc with clang and adds in a "-triple" option that specifies OSX as the target. If you pass "-miphoneos-version-min=7.0" on both gcc command lines it works. You can see the clang command line if you pass "--verbose" to gcc. (...)

Just for reference: This post in a mailing list confirms the fix.

Updated dependencies

I've updated the links to the dependencies:

gstf commented 10 years ago

Thank you! Merged!