gsucarrat / gets

R Package for General-to-Specific (GETS) modelling and Indicator Saturation (ISAT) methods
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Deal with arx mc warning in isat #46

Closed moritzpschwarz closed 3 years ago

moritzpschwarz commented 3 years ago

Save original arx mc warning and disable for the arx in isat.


isat(Nile, sis=TRUE, iis=FALSE, plot=TRUE, t.pval=0.005)
# no warning displayed

##Simulate from an AR(1):
y <- arima.sim(list(ar=0.4), 70)

##estimate an AR(2) with intercept:
arx(y, mc=TRUE, ar=1:2)
# warning displayed

arx(y, mc=TRUE, ar=1:2)
# no warning displayed