gsucarrat / gets

R Package for General-to-Specific (GETS) modelling and Indicator Saturation (ISAT) methods
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Bug fix in biascorr und print.isat #5

Closed moritzpschwarz closed 4 years ago

moritzpschwarz commented 4 years ago

I fixed the error in biascorr. The implemented change is very small.

It might be necessary to check with Felix or James.

moritzpschwarz commented 4 years ago

Added the plotting error fix for isat(tis = T)

moritzpschwarz commented 4 years ago

Added an error catching in the isat function:

if(sis == FALSE && iis == FALSE && tis == FALSE && uis == FALSE){
    stop("No Indicator Selection Method was selected. Either set iis, sis or tis as TRUE or specify uis.")