gsuez / master-bootstrap-3

Joomla 3.x Template with Bootstrap 3
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Add Gulp build system #18

Closed phproberto closed 8 years ago

phproberto commented 8 years ago


This integrates a Gulp build system that will automatically:

The workflow intended to be used by Gulp is:

  1. You have a working website (you are integrating or testing master-bootstrap-3 on a joomla website)
  2. Instead of having to symblink or copy/reinstall files when you modify them you will work always on the master-bootstrap-3 repository folder.
  3. Initially you use Install from folder Joomla feature to install the template from the repository folder. You can also run discover install if you have already copied the files to the working website
  4. Then in your repository folder run gulp and the Gulp system will copy files, start watching for changes and updating automatically the website and refresh the browser,

    Setup Gulp

  5. Install Node.js using the method that applies to your OS. Check
  6. Enter in your repository folder and install all the Node.js dependencies with: npm install
  7. Duplicate gulp-config.dist.json to gulp-config.json and change the settings there to adjust them to your local system:
    • wwwDir: folder where your joomla website is. It will be used to copy files there when modified
    • browserConfig: BrowserSync settings if you want to modify them. Check
  8. Run gulp to start the Gulp system. Gulp will keep running to detect any modification done to the files and execute the required task associated to that file. Stop it when you stop working on the project.

    Available Gulp tasks

You can run any task listed here from terminal.