gszabi99 / War-Thunder-Datamine

Frequently updated War Thunder Datamine repository
252 stars 48 forks source link

Thanks for maintaining this! + Version question #17

Open oenu opened 1 year ago

oenu commented 1 year ago

Im working on project that uses war thunder data and your repo is awesome!

I do have one question though, are the wpcost and shop file for different versions of the game? It looks like shop is for the current release whereas wpcost is for the dev branch. I only mention as I have been finding a number of vehicles in wpcost that dont exist in shop and the ones that do have a different rank, which I am only noticing because the game is about to be changed a lot.

If you have any insight I would much appreciate it!

Sgambe33 commented 1 year ago

No, I believe shop is for the vehicles that you can actually research and buy in game. Wpcost contains all the vehicles that are in the game, both shown and hidden. For example all the UCAVs cannot be bought, they are special vehiles. As a consequence they are not in shop but in wpcost.

gszabi99 commented 12 months ago

"Im working on project that uses war thunder data and your repo is awesome!"

Thank you, and good luck!

"I do have one question though, are the wpcost and shop file for different versions of the game? It looks like shop is for the current release whereas wpcost is for the dev branch. I only mention as I have been finding a number of vehicles in wpcost that dont exist in shop and the ones that do have a different rank, which I am only noticing because the game is about to be changed a lot.

If you have any insight I would much appreciate it!"

Think of wpcost as the economy data, and shop as the tech-tree data. For a researchable/buyable vehicle, you'd need both, but for a vehicle only used in-battle (killstreak drones, nuke bombers, event vehicles [as in, playable only in events], race vehicles, etc.), having only wpcost data generally suffices.

OshidaBCF commented 8 months ago

If you think that "shop" doesn't look like what you see in game, then i had the same issue a while ago

When gaijin changed (all) folders there was a big difference between live and "Work In Progress" (you can turn that on in the launcher)

As we both use the WiP version there may be slight differences with the normal version