gszabi99 / War-Thunder-Datamine

Frequently updated War Thunder Datamine repository
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Совместимость файлов с игрой//Compatibility of files with the game #24

Closed naprolom4ik closed 4 months ago

naprolom4ik commented 4 months ago

Хотел использовать этот репозиторий для создания пользовательской миссии, но не смог из-за того, что файлы "замусорены" квадратными скобками - "[]", фигурными скобками - "{}", отсутствуют типы данных - b, r, i. Хотелось бы, чтою файлы соответствовали тем, что можно найти в папке игры, спасибо

I wanted to use this repository to create a custom mission, but I couldn't because the files are "littered" with square brackets - "[]", curly brackets - "{}", there are no data types - b, r, i. I would like the files to match those that can be found in The game folder, thank you

gszabi99 commented 4 months ago

I prefer this JSON format, as it's easier to read for me and my scripts are built for it.

naprolom4ik commented 4 months ago

OK. Do you know any methods to make the files meet my expectations?

OshidaBCF commented 4 months ago

You need to export the files in a different format

we use flare's tool

wt_ext_cli unpack_vromf --format BlkText -i . will loop over all the vromfs files present in the running directory and extract them into game readable files

be sure to check the help message of the tool (wt_ext_cli unpack_vromf) for more arguments

OshidaBCF commented 4 months ago

the tool export in a readable json format to make it easier to read for us

naprolom4ik commented 4 months ago

Where to put commands?

OshidaBCF commented 4 months ago

in windows command terminal ?


naprolom4ik commented 4 months ago

"wt_ext_cli" is not an internal or external command, executable program, or batch file.

naprolom4ik commented 4 months ago

This created several broken files

OshidaBCF commented 4 months ago

either add the tool to the path, or have it in the same folder as the file you want to extract