gt-cs2110 / cs2110docker

A Docker image containing Ubuntu 22.04 running the tools necessary for Georgia Tech's CS 2110.
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Add text editor (vi) #11

Closed thayes46 closed 2 years ago

thayes46 commented 2 years ago

Dr. Conte has requested on a few occasions a text editor in docker for classroom examples, vi would be fine and is the recommendation.

kanwren commented 2 years ago

Are things like syntax highlighting needed? For reference, vim is 70 MB, while vim-tiny is basically vi and is only 0.5MB.

kanwren commented 2 years ago

70 MB isn't really that much, but I'm becoming ever more wary of unnecessarily driving up image size

sameer-s commented 2 years ago

I would say that if it's just for classroom examples / small changes, then vim-tiny is fine. I'd also add that nano is even smaller and would be more usable by the average student.

kanwren commented 2 years ago

vim-tiny and nano it is, then