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Emil Roth Death Date #28

Open thomashaensli opened 2 years ago

thomashaensli commented 2 years ago

[Feedback from Irina]

I did a search for Emil Roth; only a small biography comes up. [...] Plus, the date of his death came up as 1980 instead of 1980; this is not a fault of the archive data, since it comes from a different database - Alex was unable to rectify it on CMS when I pointed it out.

thomashaensli commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting, that seems to be a but in the transformation. We will check on that.

thomashaensli commented 2 years ago

Dear Irina, we found the root of the error:

the wrong death actually has been in the Archives data (a simple typo, I assume). The error has only been fixed some 10 days ago, see screenshots below (on Oct 18th 22). An update of the data will be required and will fix the problem.

I am attaching the screenshots for verification.

28-wrong-deathdate 28-correct-deathdate


thomashaensli commented 2 years ago

Extract from source export from CSM for verification:

[Line 99771-100126]
      <de-DE>Roth, Emil (Schweizer Architekt, 1893-1980)</de-DE>
      <en-US>Roth, Emil</en-US>
 <act_exist_birth_timespan_archive type="daterange">
 <act_exist_death_timespan_archive type="daterange">
thomashaensli commented 2 years ago

Graph Representation